Rainforest Adventure – What we would take with us! Co-operative Learning with P2/3

Robbie – We had to line up tallest to littlest and then we had to meet someone from the other end of the line for our groups.

Cyrus – We were talking about the Rainforest and what we would take if we were going on a adventure.

Ruby – We had lots of little pictures and we spread them out on the table and we had to say what would be good to take.

Cian – We had to choose 4 things and draw them in the picture of a suitcase that we got. Β We had to think about what would be useful in the Rainforest.

Erland – I would take a pocket knife to hunt little animals.

Aimee – I would take a compass in case I get lost in the Rainforest.

Lexie – I would take a tent to sleep in at night time for shelter.

Alfie – I would take a water bottle so I wouldn’t get too thirsty and I would always have water to drink.

Dhilan – I would take matches so I could light a fire to keep warm.

Ollie – A Xbox wouldn’t be a good thing to take because there’s no electricity in the Rainforest.

Jenny – A nerf gun wouldn’t be a good thing to take because it’s just a toy.

Mason – I would take a sleeping bag because I can sleep in it and keep warm.

Evie – I would take a rope because I could make a trap.

Kiana – I wouldn’t take a teddy because it would get all wet and it’s not useful.


Our canoe πŸ›Ά

Kiana – We are making a canoe so we can play in it and pretend we are on a river in the Amazon Rainforest.

Erland – We got a box and we made pointy bits on the ends.

Casey – We painted the canoe dark brown.

Aimee – Miss Morrison helped us draw swirls and zig-zags and shapes and we painted them yellow, orange and turquoise.

Ollie – It looks good and I can’t wait to play in it when it’s done!

Rainforest Animals πŸ―πŸΈπŸ’πŸ¦‡πŸ›πŸ¦‹πŸ¦ŽπŸ Co-operative Learning with P2/3

Ruby – We got a picture with our name on the back and it had a picture on the other side.

Lexie – We had to find the other bits of our picture and join it together like a jigsaw.

Ollie – I made a Chameleon with Kiana and Erland.Β  We used tissue paper to make the Chameleon’s camouflage.

Jared – I made a Monkey with Khloe and Merrin and Alfie.Β  We drawed 2 circles for the bodies then we cut out a other 2 bits for the heads.Β  We made arms.Β  We cut a straight piece of paper and then we folded it up.Β  Then we made the eyes and we cut a bit for the tail and curled it up.

Robbie – We made a Sloth.Β  I worked with Harley and Mason and Jayden.Β  First we had to cut a big body then we had to cut out the eyes and the face and the paws.

Jenny – We standed up at the front of the classroom and showed our creatures to the class and told them how we did it.

Evie – I think they were fantastic!Β  My favourite one was the Sloth because I love the shape and it looks nice.

Our Rainforest Topic with Primary 2/3

This term we are learning about ‘Rainforests’ as our joint topic with Primary 2/3.Β  We started it yesterday afternoon and the classes worked so well together in their co-operative groups! πŸ™‚

Lexie – We had to take a little bit of paper out of the box and it had a little animal on it and then we had to find our group that had the same animal as us.

Ollie – We looked at lots of books about animals and trees and plants.

Robbie – Then we drawed pictures about the rainforest in the boxes.Β  One said ‘animals’, one said ‘people’, one said ‘plants and trees’ and one said ‘weather’.

Aimee – Our paper looked really cool with all the pictures on it and it was colourful.

Jenny – We showed everyone our work at the end.

Jared – There is a snappy plant in the rainforest and it snaps the bees when they get too close.

Kiana – There is a stinky plant and it smells like rotten meat.

Robbie – There is a eagle, it eats monkeys!

Erland – I liked it because I was working with Evie and Mason and Taylor.

Mason – I liked it because the P3s helped us.


Miss Che!

Ruby – Miss CheΒ she taught us the ‘nee-how’ song. It means hello.

Evie – We looked at photos of China. I liked the photo of the panda.

Cyrus – Miss Che taught us Mandarin.

Casey – She showed us where she lives in China.Β  It looked sunny but it gets snowy in the winter.

Alfie – She showed us a photo of the Great Wall of China.

Erland – She told us how to say ‘My name is…’ but it was hard to say.

Scalloway Fire Festival πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

Robbie: We made some shields and helmets. Β They were orange and black and we used bronze paint to decorate them.

Ruby: We painted and cut out triangles and diamonds and the feathers.

Lexie: We put special letters for our name and surname on our shields and helmets using the Viking runes.

Ollie – Viking runes are the Viking letters. They have lots of lines going different ways. Some of them look like our letters.

Mason – We went to the hall to see the Vikings. They sung the Up Helly Aa song.

Cyrus – We got to hold on to the real shield and the axe. They were heavy, very heavy!

Alfie – Lexie got to give the Vikings a present because it was her birthday. Everyone in the hall sung Happy Birthday to her!


Play Van! 🚐

Today the Play Van visited Tingwall. Β It was a great morning and an excellent opportunity for Little Tikes and Primary 1, 2 and 3 to get together and have some fun!

Jared – I liked the bouncy castle because it had a slide on the side of it.

Ollie – I liked the bouncy castle because it was very bouncy and it made you go high.

Cyrus – I liked playing with the jet.

Jenny – I liked playing on the dumper trucks with people in the front bit and back bit.

Aimee – I liked all the soft play stuff and the big house.

Lexie – I liked playing with everyone and going on the dumper trucks.




Christmas Show – ‘Sleeping Beauty: The Ugly Truth’ πŸ’πŸ‘—πŸ’‹πŸ‘‘πŸŒ²πŸ°πŸ’°

On Thursday 15th December, Tingwall Primary put on their Christmas Show in the Tingwall Hall.

Here’s a description and review of the show – from Primary 1/2’s viewpoint…

Evie – The story in a place called Bella Vista.

Jenny – In Bella Vista they were two types of people. The beautiful ones and the not so beautiful ones.

Cyrus – The King and Queen had a baby girl called Princess Tiffany. Bert Mulcher had a baby son called Alfie.

Aimee – The beautiful ones had a party in the castle. Β Wanda the Witch came and she cast a spell on everyone because the kingdom was rotten because the people were greedy and not nice. They all fell asleep.

Jared – Trees grew up around the castle.

Lexie – The princes came to chop the trees down but they couldn’t get in.

Ruby – Alfie Mulcher saved everyone. He kissed Princess Tiffany and she woke up.

Cian – They got married and Wanda the Witch married them.

Alfie – In Bella Vista everyone wasn’t so greedy anymore.

Robbie – My favourite was Wanda the Witch because she did a spell.

Dhilan – My favourite character was Wanda the Witch because she turns everything good.

Ollie – My favourite character was Alfie because I liked his hedge cutters.

Mason – My favourite character was all the characters!

Erland – The show was amazing and excellent and fun!

WELL DONE to all pupils – the show was fantastic πŸ˜‚πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ




We have a winner…! πŸ†πŸ…

‘Winter Warrior’ was chosen as one of the winners of the SIC GritterΒ Competition! Β We also had a runner up – ‘Snow Blaster’! Β What an exciting day πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜¬πŸ˜€πŸ˜†πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜¬πŸ˜€πŸ˜†

“My name was Snow Blaster. I got a yellow hat and I got a bag with Gritter stuff in it and I got a sledge. I feel excited and good!”

“My name was Winter Warrior. They chose my name for the Gritter. They took the Gritter to outside the school. My Mam and Dad came to see it. Other people were here because there was 6 winners. People took pictures of us. I got a Gritter toy and a bag and a orange hat. I feel really happy and great!”

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