Our canoe πŸ›Ά

Kiana – We are making a canoe so we can play in it and pretend we are on a river in the Amazon Rainforest.

Erland – We got a box and we made pointy bits on the ends.

Casey – We painted the canoe dark brown.

Aimee – Miss Morrison helped us draw swirls and zig-zags and shapes and we painted them yellow, orange and turquoise.

Ollie – It looks good and I can’t wait to play in it when it’s done!

Rainforest Animals πŸ―πŸΈπŸ’πŸ¦‡πŸ›πŸ¦‹πŸ¦ŽπŸ Co-operative Learning with P2/3

Ruby – We got a picture with our name on the back and it had a picture on the other side.

Lexie – We had to find the other bits of our picture and join it together like a jigsaw.

Ollie – I made a Chameleon with Kiana and Erland.Β  We used tissue paper to make the Chameleon’s camouflage.

Jared – I made a Monkey with Khloe and Merrin and Alfie.Β  We drawed 2 circles for the bodies then we cut out a other 2 bits for the heads.Β  We made arms.Β  We cut a straight piece of paper and then we folded it up.Β  Then we made the eyes and we cut a bit for the tail and curled it up.

Robbie – We made a Sloth.Β  I worked with Harley and Mason and Jayden.Β  First we had to cut a big body then we had to cut out the eyes and the face and the paws.

Jenny – We standed up at the front of the classroom and showed our creatures to the class and told them how we did it.

Evie – I think they were fantastic!Β  My favourite one was the Sloth because I love the shape and it looks nice.

Our Rainforest Topic with Primary 2/3

This term we are learning about ‘Rainforests’ as our joint topic with Primary 2/3.Β  We started it yesterday afternoon and the classes worked so well together in their co-operative groups! πŸ™‚

Lexie – We had to take a little bit of paper out of the box and it had a little animal on it and then we had to find our group that had the same animal as us.

Ollie – We looked at lots of books about animals and trees and plants.

Robbie – Then we drawed pictures about the rainforest in the boxes.Β  One said ‘animals’, one said ‘people’, one said ‘plants and trees’ and one said ‘weather’.

Aimee – Our paper looked really cool with all the pictures on it and it was colourful.

Jenny – We showed everyone our work at the end.

Jared – There is a snappy plant in the rainforest and it snaps the bees when they get too close.

Kiana – There is a stinky plant and it smells like rotten meat.

Robbie – There is a eagle, it eats monkeys!

Erland – I liked it because I was working with Evie and Mason and Taylor.

Mason – I liked it because the P3s helped us.


Miss Che!

Ruby – Miss CheΒ she taught us the ‘nee-how’ song. It means hello.

Evie – We looked at photos of China. I liked the photo of the panda.

Cyrus – Miss Che taught us Mandarin.

Casey – She showed us where she lives in China.Β  It looked sunny but it gets snowy in the winter.

Alfie – She showed us a photo of the Great Wall of China.

Erland – She told us how to say ‘My name is…’ but it was hard to say.

Scalloway Fire Festival πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

Robbie: We made some shields and helmets. Β They were orange and black and we used bronze paint to decorate them.

Ruby: We painted and cut out triangles and diamonds and the feathers.

Lexie: We put special letters for our name and surname on our shields and helmets using the Viking runes.

Ollie – Viking runes are the Viking letters. They have lots of lines going different ways. Some of them look like our letters.

Mason – We went to the hall to see the Vikings. They sung the Up Helly Aa song.

Cyrus – We got to hold on to the real shield and the axe. They were heavy, very heavy!

Alfie – Lexie got to give the Vikings a present because it was her birthday. Everyone in the hall sung Happy Birthday to her!


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