Harry Rose Session 1 – 15th January 2016
Fantastic facts from today!!!
Meteor is when it is travelling towards earth , meteorites are when they’re on earth and a meteoroid is when it’s in Space.
Shooting stars, also known as an asteroid are the size of a grain of sand (air particles make the glow)
Moons are also known as satellites.
Anything orbiting a star is a planet.
Anything orbiting a planet is a satellite.
Black holes are points of incredible gravity created by a super star exploding and collapsing.
Stars in Galaxy – billions of stars, 200billion in our galaxy.
Count to 1million 11.5 days.
Count to 1billion 32 years.
It would take 6400years to count all the stars in our galaxy.
Milky Way is the name of our Galaxy.
Surface of the sun is in constant motion.
Sun is made of gas so parts of it turn around at different speeds.
17-20 million degrees Celsius in centre of sun with outside 6000degrees.
1 million planet earths can fit into the size of sun.
-273 degrees in space when far away from a star, the coldest temperature is called absolute zero.
Core of earth made of iron and is the size of Mars.
Gravitational pull to sun makes the planets go faster the closer they are.
There is an Asteroid belt after Mars.