Tag Archives: Reading

Last day of term

Today it is the last day of term, evreyone is exited. In the morning we were doing lexia or ERIC then we watched newsround. After that we did a quiz at 10:40 we had break. Then most of us wached hercules as we looked at this legend during our topic this term but some of us went on laptops and ipads. At 12:45 we are going to have lunch. Then we will write in our learning logs after that we will have golden time.   HOPE YOU HAVE A GOOD HOLIDAY.


Last day of term!

Friday 9th of October

Today it is the last day of  term! Everybody is exited for the October holidays and lots of people are going on holiday. Some people have already gone this week. Today we got Eric time Lexia and Newsround first thing then we did a quiz of things you know. After break we are watching Hercules because this was one of the legends we looked at during topic. During lunch break then I get picked up from school to go to the Airport and fly to Aberdeen. On Saturday the 10th of October I will be going to London then…


After lunch we will be doing  learning logs and then golden time!

By Lucy

Last day of term

Today was the last day of term. We watched Newsround and we did reading and then we did a quiz. The quiz was about lots of things. Some of the questions were: where is your iris? Or what is the Olympic sport spear throwing called? The team that got the most questions right got two dojo points each. After break we’re going to watch Hercules as this is a legend we looked at in topic and them after lunch we’re doing learning logs and then golden time.

Friday 2nd of October

We did Newsround in the morning then we had art. We drew mythological creatures like Medusa and unicorns in Art. After break we did reading. My group read a book called William and the mouse. It was about a boy called William and his friend Hamid who had a pet mouse. We did our spelling test after reading. Before lunch we had Maths. We were doing subtraction. Some of us did a really hard sum. Then we had lunch. It was fish and chips with strawberry crumble. After lunch we did learning logs and some people finished off work. Then it was Golden Time. Some people made phones with paper cups and string. They actually worked!
