Our topic in health and wellbeing is keeping healthy so we have been looking at different ways in which we can stay healthy.
We have looked at the eat well plate and the different food groups: carbohydrates, protein, fats, dairy and fruit and vegetables. We discussed which foods and drinks are good for you and those that aren’t good for you.
We kept a diary of what we ate and how active we were for a week and discussed this in class. We are a very active class which is great!!
We are creating leaflets for:
- keeping healthy
- what food you should/shouldn’t eat
- having a balanced diet
- staying active
Some of the class are creating leaflets by folding paper into 3 and writing/drawing their information whilst the others are typing their information on the laptops. Miss Nicholson showed us how to create a leaflet using Microsoft Word, changing the paper, adding 3 columns and printing double sided so that when you print and fold it, the writing isn’t upside down.
We have been looking at keeping fit during PE with Miss Nicholson. We have been doing circuits, these are:
- burpees
- bench toe taps
- shuttle runs
- star jumps
- sit ups
- squats
We are keeping note of how many we do in the 1 minute and have noticed that we are getting better as the weeks go on! We enjoy doing this and created our own stations for the circuits last week. We came up with great ideas that really got us working.