Category Archives: Social Studies

space posters

Today we presented our space posters that we made in groups with p67.There was 10 groups. When we were making our posters then at the start the youngest person had to pick a envelope. In side the envelopes there was names of planets. There was:

the sun,




the Moon,






I think we all had a lot of fun



Cooperative learning with P6/7

We have been working with P6/7 as part of our topic, Space. Their topic is space too.  On Wednesday the 3rd we started working with them. All the P6/7s came in to our classroom and we got put into groups. Then Miss Morrison explained what we were going to do. Each of the  groups had to make a poster about a planet. It had to be very colourful and have lots of information. One person from each group had to pick an envelope and inside it would tell  us which planet we were going to be researching. My group did the Sun. We each had a different role. There was 2 Head Researchers, 1 Head Illustrator and  1 Head Writer. We had to look in books for information first then after about 20 minutes we were allowed to look on computers. We didn’t get much done on the actual poster but it was good because we got together again on Monday and worked on our posters. Today before lunch P6/7 came through because we were going to show our posters to the class. We were allowed 5 minutes in our groups to decide who was going to present the poster.  My group The Sun went first. Our poster looked really good. After that, all the other groups went. All the posters looked really good! I really enjoyed working with P6/7.

Burns night

Tonight people all over the world will be celebrating Burns night. We looked at why we celebrate Burns night and who Robert Burns was.

Burns Night is a celebration often held in Scotland around 25th January.  It celebrates the life and work of a famous writer named Robert Burns.

Robert Burns was a Scottish poet (25th January 1759 to 21st July 1796) His work is very well known and celebrated worldwide. He wrote his works in both the Scots language and Standard English. He also wrote folk songs which are still enjoyed by many people today, his most famous one is Auld Lang Syne.

On Burns Night, many people have a traditional dinner called Burns Supper. This usually includes eating haggis, which is a traditional Scottish food. It is often served with neeps and tatties. Poems written by Burns are often read aloud too.

Before people start eating their Burns Supper, the Selkirk Grace is often said:
Some hae meat and canna eat,
And some wad eat that want it;
But we hae meat, and we can eat,
And sae let the Lord be thankit.

Robert Burns is still very famous today. He has been voted ‘The Greatest Scot’ by the Scottish Public in a survey held by national Scottish television channel, STV.

There is also a Robert Burns Museum which is in the place where Robert was born.

Myths and Legends around the world



Today we got into groups of 3 and 4 to begin researching different myths and legends around the world. We are gong to present our findings to the rest of the class next week. Each group was given a different country to look at and we have to find at least 3 different myths/legends that belong to that country. We decided in our groups how we were going to present our findings, most of the groups decided to make Power-points but there are a few posters being made. We have been looking through books and searching the internet to find our information. We discussed copyright and now know how to narrow our search on Google images to know which photos we can use and which ones we cannot.

Myths and Legends Myths and Legends Myths and Legends Myths and Legends Myths and Legends Myths and Legends