Welcome Back

It has been so lovely to welcome back both our returning children and some new starts this week.  The older children have helped to show the younger ones where things are kept, and around our environment.  Children have explored the blocks, painting, the new workbench and tools, numbers, making marks and of course all the skills that going along with being in a larger group play environment.

We have also welcomed our newest member of staff Rachel Morris to our team this week.  Rachel is a Practitioner, who has replaced Linda after her retirement.

There was a very friendly visitor this week to the nursery, who had beautiful blue eyes, as well as being soft and fluffy.  We were delighted to meet Anya’s new cat.

It has been super to be outside together playing and learning.  We have discovered raspberries growing in the garden, as well as taking the opportunity to measure some of the wild flowers growing.  “Which one is the longest?”  “How does this flower smell?”

Both of the outside space have been explored and developed with the changing play this week.  We have had window washing, that developed into a car wash!  We have rediscovered the mud kitchen, that developed into a “clear out” of some of the things needing to go to the “recycling bins” before we could make dandelion soup!

We have had quiet time relaxing outside, as well as time to jump, run, chase, throw and catch.  We have been very busy.

We have heard a lot of “big questions” this week.  Whilst 2 boys were outside playing in the water area, one of them commented “I wonder where the water comes from?”

It is such a privilege to work with this age and stage of learners, as they are so curious, enquiring and they have so much they want to communicate to the noticing adults around them.  We will continue to capture these big questions and the learning opportunities that arise, in the children’s learning journals.

These will be sent home each term for parents to see what they have been working on.  We will also be sending home some “more about me” sheets, so we can work in partnership with parents and carers about what features in their bairns’ learning and development at home too.  The children’s “personal plans” will be updated again, so this is another area that we work closely with parents and carers on.  Please be in touch if you have any comments or questions about any aspect of Nursery life.

We look forward to working well within our community in this new session.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!





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