Of course the grand finale of the year has been the graduation celebrations that we had yesterday. We will miss all of our pre-school children as they transition into Primary 1 after the summer. There have been such a lot of transition experiences engaged with over the term, we are sure everyone is now feel much more at ease with what will be the new surroundings and trusted adults. What a pleasure it has been to share your learning journey with you over your time in nursery.
The children’s Learning Journals or stories are being passed on to Primary 1 for the moment, however they will go home again for good once they are more settled into Primary 1. In the meantime, here are some great pieces of advice from the bumps to bairns website, which will support any family with a child transitioning into Primary 1 after the summer.
We will be back in nursery, looking forward to seeing returning children and new starts on Wednesday 17th August 2022.
Have a wonderful summer everyone!