Learning this Week

As we draw closer to the end of term, we are reflecting on another busy week.

The children have been exploring magnetic construction, as well as dens and block building.

There has been a real interest in exploring water play with the new outdoor taps in the school.

The sensory playdough has been really well used and enjoyed as the smell of the rose petals has added another aspect to explore.

Lots of reading books, singing songs learning and playing together. We have celebrated special days and had some very special visitors.

We have found creatures that live in the nursery garden and tried to count how many legs!  We have also learned about Road Safety from our Junior Road Safety Officers.

Next week is our last week all together. We hope you have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Trip to Michaelswood and Aith Leisure Centre

We were delighted to be able to get beyond the nursery setting and explore parts of Aith this week.  We went to Michaelswood first and ate our snack in their lovely pollytunnel. The tables were covered in historic information and photos from aith, which some children noticed old style cars and boats in the pictures.

We split up into groups and went dinosaur spotting.  There were also lots of interesting parts of the garden to help us learn a bit more about the trees, nature, birds and other wildlife that were in the wood.

Before we left for the Leisure Centre, we were able to play on the swing and see some of the other things there.

When at the Leisure Centre, we were able to enjoy a sit down with our sandwich picnic and the delicious biscuits made by our canteen staff.  We also used up a lot of energy playing with the bouncy castle and all the other soft play resources.

I think everyone enjoyed the trip and this was yet another step towards getting back to “normal”.

Photos from this week

We have been busy learning, playing and working together again this week.  Transition activities are very much part of the weekly routine, as we are joining Mrs Anderson, having lunch in the canteen and exploring all the playground areas.

We have been dressing up this week and celebrating together as we said cheerio to one of our friends who is moving away.  We wish you all the very best!

Everyone has been exploring the resources on offer in the nursery with their friends and practicing turn taking, sharing and developing other skills together.

We have been in the games hall and in the playground having fun and sharing spaces and time with each other.

We have been drawing pictures, making marks, working with playdough and building structures.

We have been clearing away our dishes after lunch and snack, and practicing being more independent.

Another fun filled week with so much going on, and not many weeks left before the summer holidays.

We hope you enjoy looking at a selection of photos and have a  lovely weekend everyone!

Learning in Nursery this Week

What another busy week!  We have had a visit from Childsmile on Wednesday this week, as they painted flouride varnish on to teeth.  Then on Thursday we had our school photos taken by John Coutts.

These are already back for a pre-view, and are being sent home with the eldest child in the family.  Mrs Spofforth has also posted our super nursery group photo on the blog already. We are delighted with them.

Most of the week has been spent outside and again in preparation for transition, with our preschool children visiting the canteen and Mrs Anderson’s classroom.  Our “Buddies” have been in playing, reading stories and helping keep the nursery tidy too.

We hope you enjoyed looking at the learning stories which have gone home this week for you to see.  We will be reflecting on any feedback received.

Here are some super photos to give you a flavour of how busy our bairns are in their play, talk and learning.  We use our indoor, outdoor and beyond environments to spark discussions, be curious and have fun.

We hope you have a lovely weekend!

Learning in Nursery this Week

Although most of the week has been spent in preparation for celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, there have been some other things going on in the nursery this week.  We have been hunting for “dinosaur fossils” in the sand tray, digging and brushing away the layers of sand that covers them from sight.  This was sometimes a little fiddly, but we managed to clean the discoveries very well.

Lots of block building and creating amazing structures, independently and together as a team, have been observed.

We have been exploring numbers and looking at number patterns.

We were delighted to have a special delivery this week of some lovely fresh eggs.  It was really interesting to find out a bit more from the experts, about where our eggs come from.

With all the lovely, much needed fine weather, we have been enjoying all the outdoor areas much more.

We would like to say a huge thank you to the parents who have helped us in the outdoor areas this week.  Suzanne and Adam Talbot have helped remove the raised beds from the middle of the garden, also resourced and filled 4 very large tyres with soil.  We are hoping to plant some nice flowers and maybe some herbs, to add smells, colours and textures to the nursery garden.  This is hugely appreciated.

Also Alicia Hunter and Stephen Bishop removed some unsafe planks of wood from the slide shelter at the top of the slide this week.  Thank you very much for that, again this is really appreciated.

If any parents would like to help with renovating things like the broken slide shelter, we would love to hear from you.

Of course most of our week has been spent in preparation for the jubilee celebrations that took place on Thursday.  We painted Union Jack flags which were used as bunting for our garden party decorations.  We made a collaborative effort on our picture of Her Majesty the Queen, complete with crown, sparkly dress and lovely jewellery.  We practiced singing a special song about Royal Family life, and enjoyed showing the actions to go with the song.  All of this came together as we celebrated 70 years of Queen Elizabeth II being on the throne.  We dressed up, had a garden party and even had a special visit from Mr Stripey as he celebrated 25 years in business.

Enjoy the lovely photos and enjoy the long weekend everyone!