Category Archives: Bootcamp

Category for our Blogging Bootcamp

Our Movie Trailer Premiere

We have played our film trailers to the rest of the class.

Every group made a completely different and exciting film trailer!


Click on the links below to watch our trailers…


7 Miles


A Girl’s Worst Nightmare:



High School Mayhem:


Plan B&B:

Making Movie Trailers

For the last week of term, we have made movie trailers. We will be screening them before a DVD like you would do in the cinema on Friday. We also be getting popcorn to eat.

We first had to come up with an idea for our film. We then had to choose our genre (movie type). Then we had to think of our roles. Next we made props and found costumes. We had to plan it out on paper – on a layout called a  Storyboard.

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We made posters to advertise our film. We filmed our trailers using iMovie.


Here is what some of our class had to say:

“It was fun and easier than adverts for the boardgames” – says Chrissie

“It was fun to pretend to be an actor” – says Gary

“I liked how we got to work together as a team” – says Amy

“I enjoyed it” – says Ella


Here are some pictures taken for our trailers. We will be posting our film trailers on our blog on Friday!



By P567

Blogging Bootcamp 2

As part of Blogging Bootcamp Week 2. We were challenged to write a biopoem. We all wrote an individual poem each and then together wrote one about our class.

Primary 5, 6 and 7

Helpful, Noisy, Friendly, Silly and Fun

Pupils of Tingwall Primary School

Who love animals, sport, maths games and drama

Who performed the Christmas show and earned over 2500 Class Dojo points

Who want to win the Football and Netball school tournament

From Tingwall, Shetland, Scotland, UK, Europe, Planet Earth, The Solar System, The Milky Way, Universe, Space beyond Space!

photo 7