As part of Blogging Bootcamp Week 2. We were challenged to write a biopoem. We all wrote an individual poem each and then together wrote one about our class.
Primary 5, 6 and 7
Helpful, Noisy, Friendly, Silly and Fun
Pupils of Tingwall Primary School
Who love animals, sport, maths games and drama
Who performed the Christmas show and earned over 2500 Class Dojo points
Who want to win the Football and Netball school tournament
From Tingwall, Shetland, Scotland, UK, Europe, Planet Earth, The Solar System, The Milky Way, Universe, Space beyond Space!
Well done primary 5, 6 & 7
‘Helpful, Noisy, Friendly, Silly and Fun’ makes you sound like a great class to be in not too serious:-)
‘Spaces beyond Space’ takes the last line further out that any other one I’ve seen, make me wonder…
Happy Blogging!