
Sh! You! Yes, you! Who are reading this and wondering why I am telling you to shush! I have a secret to tell you about the blog! Coming soon there will be- *click* Morton: Sunni! What are you doing in here with the lights off whispering to your laptop?! Uh, nothing! Heh! Heh! Morton: OK… you better not be making a post about a new writer on the blog coming soon or anything like that! Heh, eh, no, nothing like that! Umm… WAIT, WHY ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE?!?!

Hello. Another Discussion Topic! ^^

I am (finally) back with another discussion topic! Today’s discussion topic is… best friends! Sunni! This is a book blog! Don’t worry, imaginary annoying characters. I’m going to have it related to books.

Whenever we read a book about best friends, we see them sticking together and standing up for what is right. Take the Rainbow Magic series, for example. But real friendship is more complicated than that. Not having absolutely perfect friends isn’t a bad thing. If you have arguments it isn’t the absolute end of the world. (dun dun dunnnnn…) So I would like to give a shout out to all of my friends: *deep breath* Vaila, Morton, Shannon, Louise, Ben, Charlie, Timo, Robbie (bonus points, he’s my cousin), Dhanial, Lewis, Ellen, Libby, Nula, Isla, Marley, Lisa, Kayla, Josh and Bella. *exhale deeply* Phew, that’s a lot.  Have I missed anyone? No, don’t think so. By the way, these aren’t in any particular order. Just the order I remembered them in. Anyway- Sunni! WHY is this a discussion topic?! It’s OK! Calm down! I want you to discuss what you think of friendships in story books. Oh, and write your friends down. My friends are like a bunch of grapes; the only time we’re leaving is when we’re not coming back. I’m grapeful for all of you. (I’m sorry, I had to.)

Remember Me by Sunni

“If you could have a certain power what would it be?”

“I? I… would have the power to see good in everyone. To bring people together, to make them see the light in each other’s eyes. To make them treasure their own smile as if it were gold, because it is worth that much. To, instead of fight against each other, bring together and fight against misery and pain. There are thousands of people in the world whose struggles are worse than ours, and yet a simple currency could save millions of lives. I would have the power to change that. It is lunacy that a tangible item that is printed every day could save lives!”

“And do you know what your real life superpower is?”

“No, of course not. I don’t have one.”

“Yes, you do. It is exactly what you described to me.”

Class Novel

At school we are fortunate enough to be reading A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket. We have completed The Bad Beginning and are now moving on to The Reptile Room. I love it already, but I very much enjoyed the first one so I think it deserves to be on the book blog. My favourite character is Sunny; she reminds me of Bella. Heh, that’s funny. She has my name and Bella’s personality, though me and Bella could not be more different. I am not very good at book reviews (I have other people on the blog who do them instead. I am very lucky to be accompanied by such talented people!) so for a much longer, more interesting and much more informative review, I recommend you visit our class blog, Sound Primary’s Super 6A, for a reviews covering lots of different points:

50 Words Competition

Hello lovely people of the internet! I went to school last week, casually walked into class, and a beautiful sight greeted my eyes; writing jotters on everyone’s desks! That may not seem exciting to you, but we only get writing once a week, so I was very excited. As the bell rang and we sat down, we realized that there was a rather strange image on the whiteboard; a sunbaked landscape with the sun itself of a blinding volume silhouetting a dozen balloons floating upwards. It was soon explained that we were to create a story inspired by this picture in just 50 words (that is less than you think), so I sat down and started scribbling away. After a lot of editing my story was complete! It was from the sun’s point of view, reflecting on how humans used to worship the sun and now he is almost ignored in everyday life. The story takes a very serious and bitter path until, at the end, balloons rise above the clouds and the sun realizes the humans remember him after all. Soon my story had been sent to the judges. About a week and a half later the winners were decided. I was not one, but there is always next time….

13 story treehouse

I recommend  reading this book.

First, well what is about? As it says in the title, it is about a tree house – not a ordinary tree house but a tree house that has a bowling alley and also a lemonade fountain, a shark pit, a massive cinema and a bunch more stuff. At the start you might start to cry because a boy chucks a cat off a balcony. However, the boy said that it was a canyon by painting it yellow so when he chucks the cat off the balcony the cat starts to fly.  Then the cat gets out of sight and that was not their cat, it was their friend’s cat at the other side of the forest. The girl who owns it is trying to find the cat but she cant, so then she says to the boy “do you know where my cat is?”  and the boy said “no I do not no where she is”. Next she starts to put up posts about her lost cat and the reward was just “call me” (that is all it said). After that another boy came because he said that their publisher wanted a new book and said that it had to be done by tomorrow at 5;30 pm and that if it was not then he would fire them. They started straight away.


Very Special Announcement! New Writer!

I have a very special and important announcement to make! It is– oh. You read the title, didn’t you. Ah. Weeelllll….. Anyway! I am going to have a new writer on my blog! Of course there is me, I write about recent books, favourite books, important book related events and I do short stories. Ah, I think that’s everything. Hmmm… I feel like there’s something missing… Oh yeah, that’s right! Book reviews! But… I do too many things on the book blog already… Aha! Idea! You’re probably aware that there is already someone on the blog who writes book reviews; Timothy! He even has his own category on the homepage. He does mostly reviews on Diary of a Wimpy Kid, and also reviews on some of my stories. However, I believe variety is an important component of a project, so a new writer will be joining us to get more fantastic reviews on the book blog; Robbie! He is my cousin, he is in my class, he sits two seats away from me, and he loves Adventure Time! So, when he asked me if he could write on my book blog, I was thrilled. He is peering over my shoulder as I write. So, ahem, expect to see more fantastic reviews than ever before! (^^)

Charlie’s Newsflash

Warning: This post has nothing to do with my recent books, my stories or writing competitions. If you came looking for some good books to read, look on the ‘recent books’ page.


I have a good friend called Charlie who runs a news blog. It has everything from interesting discoveries that he feels are important enough to be shared with the world, to the outcomes of football matches. He is a great writer, so if you liked my blog, I am sure you will like his too! It would be very much appreciated if more people took the time to read his amazing posts.

World Book Day

Next week is- drumroll please– World Book Day! Yay! (Come on, you didn’t think I’d forget? This is a book blog!) I am going to dress up a Alice from Alice in Wonderland! What are you going to be? The comment section isn’t there for nothing!

Bella’s Diary by Sunni

1st day

Hello. I is Bella. I is NOT a baby! I is a toddler! I is a big girl like Sunni! Sunni is my big sister. I… ‘borrowed’… dis notebook from her. I hope she doesn’t find it and upload it to her book blog or anything like dat… I doesn’t know what the day is, so this is 1st day.

2nd day

Today was exciting! I sneaked upstairs and got in Sunni’s room! I… I saw a nice pen. It had a bunny charm and it smelled like cherries. I… I didn’t get stuck! I got… trapped between the cupboard doors. I had to wait two hours for Sunni to get out of bed and fish me out. She tickled me under the chin and I thought if I was cute enough she might let me have da pen, but she carried me downstairs and plonked me back on my bed. Mmf! I is not pouting! I is… grumpy facing.

3rd day

Today I went to get up Sunni, but she was already up. She was opening the front door and she had dis weird bag and she was carrying some toast. I ran up and hugged her legs so she couldn’t go anywhere. She plucked me off and put me on da floor. She told me something like, “I’m walking to school.” What on earth is dis ‘school’?! What is Sunni doing, leaving me for a whole 6 hours?! WHY does she go, anyway?! What does she do there?! I went into the garden, by myself, and played with a ball, by myself, until I got bored and flopped onto the grass. Just then I had an idea. I got up and sat on da swing for a bit, perfecting my plan…

4th day

Yesh! I did it! In the morning while Sunni was still brushing her hair I crept into the hall, opened her bag and got in. She has all dis weird stuff in there; notebooks, cases, folders and even an apple! Eventually I felt Sunni picking up the bag and carry me right out da front door! (-:< The apple may not have been so weird because I ate it and it was quite tasty. After a long time Sunni put down the bag and I heard her leaving. I sneaked out and looked around. I had been plonked on a table next to lots of other tables with chairs. I crawled around until I saw an open window.  I crawled out of it and dropped onto da ground. I spotted some people kicking about a ball and went over. I stole da ball! Haha! Unfortunately they was a lot faster than me and they caught up with me soon enough. They thought I was cute! I was outraged! Somehow they recognised me! They brought me to Sunni. Well, they almost did. I bit one of them on his ball-kicking foot and I got away. I ran as fast as my legs would take me, until I bumped into a really tall lady with dark browny hair and a cat face on a band round her neck. I thought she would take me back home, but she took me back into da room I started in and let me walk around. Somewhere a bell rang just then and about twenty people came in including Sunni. I expected her to be very cross and take me home, but she just stared at me for a minute and then laughed and said she was cross, but she was proud of my thinking. Then they all sat down in the seats and started scribbling in yellow books. I crawled across all their laps and they all gave me a hug or a pat or a nose rub. Then the bell rang again, and they all gave me a bit of banana or apple and one of them tried to give me a piece of lettuce! Euch! He got da lettuce back. In his face. After dat they took me outside and I went to play with the ball people I bit earlier in a big green court. I kind of played. They wouldn’t let me kick about the ball. I doesn’t know if it was concern for my safety, or the fact their faces would soon be meeting the ground of their green court if Sunni found out. Either way, it was still fun to get piggybacked around. Then da bell rang again again and they took me to a big hall and all of them was doing funny things like standing upside down! I bounced on a trampoline with all Sunni’s friends. Then the bell rang and they took me back outside and this time I went to go and play with some big girls and they put my hair in bunches and tickled me and hugged me. After that we went back in and we went to a big room full of books and every one read me a baby book each. Then da bell rang and Sunni took me home. In her schoolbag.

It’s all true. Pinky promise…

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