About Me!

Why, hello. My name is Sunni. I do a lonely little book blog! *cries silently*

I have three friends called Dhanial, Charlie and Lewis with their own blogs. Dhanial does a whole blog about Time Machines, a game we play at playtime, Charlie blogs about all sorts of amazing news from facts to football matches, and Lewis has a blog to himself about Pokémon that features our after-school Pokémon club. The rest of my friends are on Sound Primary’s Super 6A, and I do posts there too!

Timothy helps me with my blog. He is writing something for me as I speak. What are you writing, Timothy? Apparently he is thinking, and will write something at home. He will do reviews of books that he reads. I will make a category specially for him, though by the time you read this it will probably already be done.

Robbie also writes reviews. He is slightly newer to the blog, but his reviews are just as amazing! I am so lucky to have so many people helping me with my blog. I think it’s important to have more than one person on the book blog, and also… I do so much on the blog everyone is probably bored of me.

I mentioned Dhanial and his Time Machines blog. I can now write posts for him! All I have to do is go to his site, write a post and Dhanial will approve it, and then it gets posted! 🙂 I am so excited!

Well, thanks for taking the time to read this whole page. I hope you stick around! (^^)

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