Have you filled a bucket today?

On Friday for our class circle time we read the book, Have you filled a bucket today? by Carol McCloud. This book tells us that everyone walks around with an invisible bucket. These buckets can be filled with acts of love and kindness. “When your bucket is full it feels nice and when your bucket is empty it makes you feel sad.”

We can fill someone else’s bucket with acts of kindness. “An act of kindness is like being polite to the bus driver or smiling at each other.” We learned that being kind and filling someone’s bucket makes them feel good and you also fill your own bucket too!

We read that sometimes you can also dip into someone’s bucket by doing or saying something unkind to them. Dipping into someone’s bucket takes out some of the good feeling and it also dips into your own bucket too.

Primary 3 have decided that we all want to be bucket fillers and we want to try really hard not to dip into anyone’s bucket. We gathered our ideas for ways we could fill the buckets of the people around us. We hope you like our suggestions!

  • “Before school you could maybe help your Mum or Dad tidy.”
  • “You could maybe say hi or smile to another person.”
  • “You could play with somebody and help them.”
  • “You could help your Mam and Dad make the breakfast in the morning.”
  • “You could help your class do some jobs.”
  • “You could make sure everyone has got someone to play with.”



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