Islesburgh Out Of School Care Service
Shetland Family Centre Information
Sound School After School Clubs & Active Schools
Each term there may be sporting, craft or drama clubs on offer after school for pupils. These are usually run on a voluntary basis by school staff, Active Schools staff and parent helpers. To enable the groups to go ahead there has to be a limit on numbers attending, therefore will be offered to specific year groups at a time. In the past we have had after school drama club, netball, football, craft club, a knitting group plus more.
If there is an After School Activity taking place for your child’s year group, your child will be given the opportunity to take home further information to share with you if they have expressed an interest in attending.
Islesburgh Out of School Club
Islesburgh operates an after school childcare service during term time. Children attending are collected from Sound Primary School by Islesburgh Out of School Club staff.
Islesburgh charges a fee for this service. Please ensure your child’s class teacher is aware of the days they will be collected by the Islesburgh Out of School Club.
If you would like more information about this service, please contact Islesburgh directly on 01595 745115.