All posts by Mrs McCulloch

‘Welcome’ – an event for all Parents/Carers (Nursery to P7)

Wednesday 5th October 2022 – 3.30pm-5pm

Sound Primary School would like to welcome all parents/carers from Nursery to P7, along with their children, into the school on Wednesday 5th October between 3.30pm and 5pm.  Sound Primary School values the importance of taking the time to connect and reconnect with parents/carers to ensure the maximum benefit of parental involvement and engagement in our children’s learning and in the life of the school.

Our ‘Welcome’ event will allow all parents/carers to explore and gain an understanding of their child’s learning environment, to meet staff and partners such as Anchor For Families and the Parent Council. There will also be school dinner tasters available in the canteen.

Please enter the school using your child’s classroom fire exit and I politely request that when leaving the school you do so via the schools main door. As you exit please take a few minutes to help the school with our ongoing self-evaluation by sharing with us your experience of Term 1 so far.  There will be boards, pens and sticky notes in the foyer area of the school to help you leave your feedback.   Staff and pupils will also be sharing their experiences of Term 1 over the coming weeks.

Please remember that Sound Primary School operates an open door policy and that we are here to help and support where we can.  Our school vision of Working together to improve outcomes for learners to be the best they can be remains at the heart of all we do.

Welcome Back

We’ve had a super start to this school year. It’s great to see everyone back and so happy and enthusiastic.

The whole school enjoyed meeting up for assembly last week where we met the Try Again Tiger who is going to help us be the best we can be this year.