Tag Archives: First aid

Visit from the Scottish Ambulance Service

Yesterday we were lucky to have a visit from the Scottish Ambulance Service. Isaac’s dad, Stuart,  Daniel visited with the ambulance and some of their equipment.  We found out what happens when a call is made.  We were told it was important to give as much info as possible about your location so the ambulance could get their quickly.

We also saw the uniform they might have to put on at an accident and we got to try on their helmet, goggles and gloves. We also go to look through their kit bags to see all the equipment they have to carry with them each day.

Then, we were shown how to do the recovery position. It is really easy and could save someone’s life! Isaac could move his dad into the position using only his finger tip!

The Miss McIntyre got used as a model for another piece of their equipment.  This equipment is used to help people if they have had a car accident. We thought she looked really funny!

Finally, got to go outside and have a look at the ambulance. They demonstrated the blue flashing lights and sirens – it was really loud!

We really enjoyed the visit and learned a lot – thank you!