Daily Archives: December 7, 2016

P7 Panto Rehearsal

Today we went to watch the P7s perform Scrooge. It was about Scrooge, a man who didn’t like Christmas. He ended up liking Christmas because his wife was upset and he met his old working partner Jacob Marley and three ghosts – Christmas Past, Present, and Christmas Yet to Come.

Here is what we thought:

Jenson – I liked Scrooge because Harry played him well.

Lauree-Ann – It was really good! It would have been really hard to memorise all their lines!

Ella – I thought that it was quite funny and I really enjoyed it! I could tell that they had worked really hard on it.

Chenet – I thought they acted really well.

Kealan – It was not comfortable sitting down because we had the whole school there!!

Erin – They did a brilliant job – well done P7!

Peter – I would really like to read the book one day!

Mark – Well done!!