Daily Archives: September 7, 2016

Investigating Moon Phases

Yesterday we began to learn about the phases of the moon. We spoke about what we already know about the moon and realised that it does not always appear the same.

We watched a video on TigTag which demonstrated how the moon’s orbit around the Earth means that it appears to change over a lunar month (28 days.) The appearance of the moon changes dependent on the position of the moon, the sun and the Earth. This is because we see the Earth when sunlight reflects off of it. We learned that there are 8 different phases which the moon passes through.

We then got into pairs or groups of three and created a model to show the phases using a creative medium – oreos!



We had to problem solve to figure out which stage happens when. When we were finished they looked like this:100_1175

We even managed to wait until after assembly to eat them!!