Sound School Nursery

Working together to improve outcomes for learners to be the best that they can be.

September 20, 2023
by gw09goodladesther@glow

Bookbug Sessions

The children love to visit the school library for our Bookbug sessions where they listen to stories and learn songs and rhymes. Ms Hutcheson read a story called ‘Fletcher and the Falling Leaves’ by Julia Rawlinson which is about a fox who is worried because the leaves start to fall from his favourite tree. The Bookbug soft toy character had some autumn leaves in his pocket which the children got to see and feel. We spoke about the different colours of autumn leaves and the crunchy sound they make.

Click the link below if you would like to listen to the story again.

September 20, 2023
by gw09goodladesther@glow

Outdoor Learning

The outdoor environment is always a busy and popular area of the nursery. The children enjoy being outside while playing and learning in all types of weather. Outdoor learning is part of the school improvement plan for this session so we will not only be developing the play on offer in the nursery grounds but also in the wider school environment such as the polytunnel, wildlife area and the Sands of Sound beach.

September 20, 2023
by gw09goodladesther@glow

Happiness and Determination

Our school values this term are happiness and determination which have both been very evident since returning to nursery following the summer holidays. There are lots of happy faces everyday as the children experience the joy of learning through play while interacting with peers and staff.

Here are some of the children’s comments relating to happiness and determination while engaging in play.

“I am happy when I draw and make things with my friends at the craft table.”

“I’m excited because I have learned to pedal the tractor by myself.”

“It’s great fun making magic potions in the mud kitchen.”

“I’m smiling because I can go down the slide on my tummy now.”

“I’m proud of myself for learning the days of the week.”

“It’s hard work digging holes in the mud pit but it’s good for making me strong.”

“I cut out my mask even though my hand was getting tired.”

“I have been busy practising my name and I can do it now without copying.”

“We made a house using the big blocks and it took a while because we had to look for different things to help us make it the right way.”

“I am working hard with counting the dots on the big dominoes. I know some of them now and don’t have to count the dots anymore.”

September 20, 2023
by gw09goodladesther@glow

Learning Through Play

It has been great to welcome back our returning children for the new session as well as meeting and getting to know the children who have just started nursery. As the new nursery teacher, I have gained so much from observing and playing alongside the children while learning about them as individuals. Below is a snapshot of some of the learning that has taken place so far this term.


August 23, 2023
by J. Williamson

Welcome to session 2023-2024

Hello to all returning children and those who are starting at Sound Nursery for the first time. It is lovely to see how well everyone has settled into the routine of coming to Nursery.

We have a number of new staff who have started with us this term.

Mrs Goodlad is our Nursery teacher now that Mrs Evans has retired.

We have Jessie Garret who is a support worker and Ruth Anderson who is a Modern Apprentice join our team.

Clair Gillespie, Anna Lewandowska (2 days) and Amy Deeney (3 days) have joined the team to support individual pupils.

Lots of new friendly faces to get to know.

If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to ask any members of staff and they will direct you to the person who can best answer your query.

Please see the Noticeboard for information regarding snack, it is on a three week rotation. Lunch is also on a three week rotation. We are currently on week 2.

Menu 2023 – Nursery

Focus Observations will start again soon for our returning children. New pupils will start their focus observation weeks next term once they have had a chance to settle into the Nursery setting. I will email you more information about this nearer the time.

I look forward to a busy term and seeing how the children continue to amaze me with their creativity and imaginations.

Mrs Jen Williamson

May 30, 2023
by Ms Hutcheson

Term 4 weeks 4 & 5


April 15, 2023
by Ms Hutcheson

Easter Funs in term 3

March 16, 2023
by Ms Hutcheson

Snow days

March 3, 2023
by Ms Hutcheson

February Funs!

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