P6B 2024-25

Follow our learning journey!

November 23, 2023
by Mrs Hunter

Numeracy Week Visitor

We were very grateful to our parent volunteer  (Logan’s dad) for coming to speak to the pupils about maths and how important and useful it was in his job. Grant works for the Shetland Islands Council in the Road Department.  The pupils got to look at some equipment and asked lots of questions about his career and passion for maths. Thank you very much for visiting!


November 22, 2023
by Miss Stewart

In 5b We are Jazzy and Folky!

We have learned a little bit about the musical genre of Jazz this term and we discovered that the very first piece of music to be played in space during the Apollo 10 mission was a song from the Big Band and Swing era called ‘Fly Me to the Moon’ by Frank Sinatra.

We learned that jazz music actually evolved from folk music which is traditional songs passed down from generation to generation.

One traditional folk song we have learned recently is ‘Obwisana’ from Ghana, in Africa. It is traditionally sung by children in a circle passing rocks in time with the pulse of the music. We adapted this by using drum sticks to keep the pulse and we also composed our own four beat patterns. Our performance takes the form (A), the song, (B) stick pattern 1, (A) song, (C) stick pattern 2, (D) own stick pattern, (A) song and the ‘coda’ which we have learned is an Italian term used to describe the ending in a musical piece.


November 19, 2023
by Mrs Hunter

Children in Need

We have had a great two days enjoying the activities for Children in Need.  Well done to P7 who did a super job getting it all organised for us.  £518.61 was raised.  Thank you for all your donations.

P5 worked hard on the Burpee Challenge!

September 26, 2023
by Mrs Hunter

Home Learning

As we are not in school from the 26th of September till the 28th of September some tasks have been set for home learning.

Each day two assignments will be set on Teams.  One will be literacy and the other numeracy.

A poly pocket was sent home on Monday with squared and lined paper.  There is also a reminder on how to log onto Teams in that poly pocket.

Hopefully it will all work for you.  If you have any problems please email – gw09hunterlouise6@glow.sch.uk.


September 18, 2023
by Miss Stewart

Shetland Youth Orchestra Performance

We were treated to a performance by the Shetland Youth Orchestra last week in the Sound Hall. The orchestra is made up of children from all over Shetland including both primary and secondary, and their musical talents are amazing!

We were introduced to all the different instrument families including brass, woodwind, strings and percussion. We listened to a mixture of music including classical, swing and even a theme tune or too. We particularly liked the Wallace and Grommit theme tune which they played as we were leaving the hall.

What a very enjoyable way to spend a Friday afternoon!


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