P6B 2024-25

Follow our learning journey!

March 7, 2024
by Mrs Hunter

Reading Week

We have been doing a lot of reading activities this week.

  • When the bell rang unexpectantly we had to stop and read our library book.
  • We made a display for our door. We decided to do it on “A Stranger Came Ashore,” this is our class novel.
  • We read the Shetland dialect book “The Ooricks,” and we made up our own Oorick.
  • We went to to Book Swap and we all got a book to take home.
  • We watched the “Footy Booty” quiz.

March 6, 2024
by Mrs Hunter

Trip to the Beach

Today we took a wander down to the Sands of Sound.  It was a bit blustery but we were wrapped up warm and ready for action!  Our topic is Stories of the Sea and we visited the beach with three main aims related to our topic.

Firstly we were gathering shells to use in a display for our Stories of the Sea Museum.

Secondly we wanted to check for plastic pollution and do a safe and quick beach clean.

Lastly we were going to be creative and make some beach art.

“I liked cleaning the beach, helping to save the world!” BL

“We worked in a group to make a stickman character.” MC

“I learned how much plastic pollution was on the beach.” EJ

“I learned that plastic pollution can be a real problem in the sea.” MS

“I liked making a funny face with John.” LA

During our time outdoors we used our collaborative meta skills working in pairs and groups.  Pupils were being creative and developing their sense of curiosity.


February 19, 2024
by Mrs Hunter

Sphero Coding

Eleanor Hutcheon came in to our class today and did Spero Coding with us.  This session  introduced the concept of an algorithm and computer languages.  She also  introduced pupils to Spheros.  Pupils  explored maths concepts including speed/distance/time and angles.

“We found out more about coding.” MC

“It was good learning about new technology.” LA

“We set up a wedding with our spheros!” LL

“I found out how make a disco with coding!” MS


February 5, 2024
by Miss Stewart

UHA 2024

Tuesday 30th January 2024 was a special day at Sound Primary School as we were visited by both the Junior and Senior Jarl Squads of 2024.

The Junior Jarl Squad, led by Guizer Jarl Skeppare Nokkvesson (aka Oran McCulloch), were in fine voice during their time with us, supported by a group of young local musicians who did a brilliant job. ‘Yes Sir, I can Boogie’ was definitely a highlight! The clip below shows all the pupils from p1 to p7 joining in with the Up Helly Aa song.

The Senior Jarl Squad, led by Guizer Jarl King Harald Olafsson (aka Richard Moar) were also pretty spectacular both in sight and sound. A fantastic line up of local musicians provided the music for the Up Helly Aa song and also their squad song which made us all want to get up and dance! Here is a clip of all the pupils from p1 to p7 joining in with the Up Helly Aa song. The Jarl commented how loud and enthusiastic our singing was. High praise indeed from a ‘King’!

February 2, 2024
by Mrs Hunter

Three Cheers for UHA!

We had a brilliant day  on UHA day.  We very much enjoyed the visits from the Senior Guizer Jarl squad and the Junior Guizer Jarl squad.  They were in full voice and their outfits were great!

It was super seeing Oran McCulloch (Junior Guizer Jarl and ex Sound Primary student) and our very own Mattie in the Senior  Guizer Jarl squad.  They looked like they were having the time of  their lives!


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