P5A 2022-23

Follow our Learning Journey

December 20, 2022
by Mrs Sinclair

Art Trip

For our Art Lesson p5 had a visit to Da Gadderie at the museum.  We went to see the Art’sCool exhibition.

The exhibition is a display of art work produced by pupils aged P1-S6, from schools all over Shetland.

Everybody enjoyed looking at and talking about the artwork on show. After spending some time talking about it all, pupils chose their favourite pieces to analyse and sketch from.

It was so lovely to get out and view some “real” artwork.
A very good time was had by all! 😊

December 14, 2022
by Mrs Hunter

Christmas Songs for Carol Service Tue 20th December

Below I have added the links to three songs we will be singing on Tuesday 20th December at the Christmas Carol Service in the Quoys Baptist Church.  These are three mp3 files and three PDF files.  The songs are Calypso Carol, Go Tell it on the Mountain and It was a Starry Night.

It would be great if you could practise this for Tuesday!

go tell it on the mountain

Audio Player

it was on a starry night

Audio Player

calypso carol

Audio Player

December 12, 2022
by Mrs Hunter

SaxaVord Spaceport

 Emma introduced us to Mason. Mason delivers the Education Strategy for Saxavord Spaceport. He is also an astronaut in training.Mason was actually in Arizona last week to get some training for going in Space. He spoke about the Artemis project. They are planning to put 4 people to the moon. One of those will be a woman and another will be a person of colour.  He told us around 1,000,000 people all over the world will be working together to achieve this. In the future they hope to build a platform on the moon where people might be able to eventually go to Mars. He spoke about satellites and we were surprised to learn how small they actually are.
He explained that many skills/trades are needed in order to get people into space. People are needed to make and design space suits, engineers and joiners are needed to build the spacecraft. Artists and creative people are also needed as the story needs to be told well.
He spoke about the speed of light and a huge conversation was had about gravity. We talked about space junk. Mason explained that the recovery of space junk was a focus for them too.
Mason also showed us his Russian helmet from the 80s. It was a high altitude pressure helmet. It was so amazing to see.
We all enjoyed the visit and hopefully we will see Mason again soon.

December 2, 2022
by Mrs Hunter

The Ambulance Service

Laura and Stuart visited our class and told us about their jobs.  They are ambulance workers. One is a paramedic and the other is an ambulance technician.  They also told us exactly what we had to do if we had to make an emergency call.  They gave us some first aid advice and we learned about the recovery position.  We saw some of the equipment they have to use on the ambulance.   One bag was enormous and it was packed with various supplies they might need in an emergency.  We also saw the equipment they needed to wear depending on what they were dealing with.

Kirk: I wouldn’t want to work that long night shift!

Indie: I’m impressed how they manage to carry that large bag about!

Raya: It’s incredible they can remember  what all the equipment was used for!

Nicholas: The defibrillator had so many buttons!

Amy: I would like to work on an ambulance so I could make people better.

Declan: I would like to work on an ambulance as it seems interesting!

Alfie: I couldn’t work on an ambulance if I saw somebody’s insides, I’d probably just faint!

Cora:  I’m not good with blood so I don’t think it is for me!

Maks: It’s cool that they know where everything is.

Sophia: Their job isn’t for me as I don’ t like injuries.

November 28, 2022
by Mrs Sinclair

Art Lesson

In art p5 have been getting creative with some jewellery making materials.  They explored the given materials and created some interesting design ideas for “mood rings”.

They then made their chosen design ensuring that it fitted on their fingers.

The class really enjoyed the challenge of working with wire and created these fabulous rings 🥰


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