Making spelling fun

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In 3B we have been using spelling stations to practise our spelling words.  It is a fun way to help us learn them!

When we practised our soft ‘c’ sound words the stations included:

-Making the words with multi-link cubes

-Writing the words out once in English and once in Viking runes

-Writing the words as many times as we can on a whiteboard and testing our partner

-Using our soft ‘c’ words in sentences.

Practising our words on whiteboards
Practising our words on whiteboards
Making cross-curricular links to help with our spelling - Viking runes!
Making cross-curricular links to help with our spelling – Viking runes!
Using Multi-link cubes to spell our words
Using Multi-link cubes to spell our words

How does the water get in the sea?

In our new topic (the sea all around us) we thought of some questions we would like to answer. One of those questions was ‘How does the water get in the sea?’

We did an experiment on the water cycle.

We made a video. The whole video is too big to put on the website but we’ve put in a little bit!IMG_0442

We found out that the sun makes the air warm, the water evaporates into clouds, the wind blows the clouds to the land and then it rains again!

We also wrote about what we learned.

Ice cube experiment

image image image image image image image image imageWe conducted an experiment in P2b. We used paper towels, cotton wool and tin foil to try to stop an ice cube melting. We each had an ice cube that we had to try to keep whole!

We tested different insulators. We each made a hypothesis about which material we thought would be the best insulator.

We wrapped up our ice cubes to stop them melting. Different people tried different insulators.

We wrote about our experiment. We found out that cotton wool was the best insulator. Tin foil was not a very good insulator. The paper towel was a bit better than the tin foil but not as good an insulator as the cotton wool.

A visit from Mr Turner



Mr Turner from the AHS came to speak to P2B. He showed us his mountaineering equipment and photographs of mountain climbing. We also spoke about the animals that live in cold places and Mr Turner showed us lots of pictures of them. He brought in a big globe to help to show us where different places are. We learned that there are some cold places that are near the equator because they are up at the top of mountains.


Fergus and Elliot came in to show us Fergus’ snowy owl. It was really cool!

Hot and Cold Day in P2!

imageimageimageimageimagePrimary 2 have been learning about animals from Hot and Cold countries. We learned that there are lots of animals which are endangered so we decided to raise money to adopt an endangered animal.
2B made and sold wordsearches. We had to keep a note of how many we photocopied and we paid for all our photocopies from the money we made. We also paid Mrs Grant back for the cuddly seal which we used as a prize.

We also worked with 2A and had a special Hot and Cold Dress Up day. We came to school dressed in hot and cold colours, in animal fancy dress and in Frozen outfits! We learned lots of exciting facts about animals, we did a volcano experiment and we painted penguins and parrots. We each donated £1 for being able to wear fancy dress to school and we added this to our total.

We raised £92 and are delighted that we are going to be able to adopt two endangered animals!


2b polar bear wordsearch

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