Fair Isle patterns

This week the class have been learning about Fair Isle knitwear.  The Shetland topic display wall has a few Fair Isle patterned items on it, and we used these as examples of what the patterns can look like!

A lovely yoke cardigan brought in by Kizzy
A lovely yoke cardigan brought in by Kizzy
Some Fair Isle items from Jake, Mitchell and Stephen on our display wall
Some Fair Isle items from Jake, Mitchell and Stephen on our display wall

We learned that we use a repeated pattern when designing a pattern such as Fair Isle.  We used this knowledge to design our own Burra Bears, using both traditional Fair Isle patterns and our own repeated patterns.

Designing the patterns
Designing the patterns
Working hard
Working hard
Filling the patterns with lovely colours
Filling the patterns with lovely colours
Lovely work
Lovely work
Wave to the camera!
Wave to the camera!

Mrs Moar brought in some of her Fair Isle items to show the class.


Lots of fun!


We have been taking advantage of the recent lovely weather and doing PE outside in the multi-court!

We have been learning how to play Rounders this term in PE with Miss Gear.  This has involved a lot of listening to understand the rules, and the game means everyone involved has to play close attention to what is going on.  It’s a very fun game and the class enjoy playing it!




Walk to School Week

As well as last week being Digital Learning Week, it was also a week where children were encouraged to walk to school!

We discussed that not everyone can walk because of where they live, but we spoke about how to stay safe on your way to school no matter how you get here.

We counted each day to find out how many pupils in 3B walked to school.  We did this by putting a sticker next to our name if we had walked or cycled to school that morning.

Strider, the Walk to School Week mascot, even visited the children on Friday to thank them for taking part in Walk to School Week!

Adding stickers to our poster
Adding stickers to our poster
James showing us his tips on how to walk/cycle to school safely
James showing us his tips on how to walk/cycle to school safely
Ethan's tips on travelling to school safely
Ethan’s tips on travelling to school safely
Carys working on her safety tip pictures
Carys working on her safety tip pictures
Joe adding his walked-to-school sticker
Joe adding his walked-to-school sticker
Martha finding her name to add her sticker
Martha finding her name to add her sticker
Lots of children in 3B walk to school!
Lots of children in 3B walk to school!
Strider pays the children a visit!
Strider pays the children a visit!

Digital Learning Week

This week is Digital Learning Week!  To coincide with this the class have been undertaking various activities on the computers in the ICT suite.

We have been developing our coding skills through the “Hour of Code” games available on code.org/learn.  See our coding blog post from 24th March for more information about this great ICT learning platform.

As well as coding, we have been using the computers to play fun and engaging games that reinforce the pupils’ maths skills.  Today’s session focused on multiplication and division games.

Another activity the class explored today was “Typing Adventure”.  This fun game allows children to develop their knowledge of the computer keyboard, which in turn will help to improve their typing skills.

Here are some photos of this morning’s session in the ICT suite.

Joe developing his awareness of the keyboard with the typing game
Joe developing his awareness of the keyboard with Typing Adventure
Heather practising her coding skills
Heather practising her coding skills on a Frozen themed game
Maths and typing games
Math-man and Typing Adventure
An engaged bunch
An engaged bunch
Helping each other out with coding
Helping each other out with coding

Road to Rio

As a school, we are collectively travelling to Rio (the host of this year’s Olympic Games) in all physical activity done in term 4.  We are counting up the distance covered by each pupil and staff member and seeing if we can get there!

As well as PE, we have been going outside with the nice weather to clock up some miles.  We have walked around the school and have also gone to the field so pupils can walk/run at their own pace.

On Tuesday we went to the field and – as a class – travelled 79km/49 miles!  That was a lot of walking and running, but it looks like we’ve got a long way to go before we make it to Rio…

Here are some photos taken today (Wednesday) – it was sunny and dry so we headed to the field!

Ethan adding to his many laps
Ethan adding to his many laps
Erin, Tanzi-Mae and Martha running very fast!
Erin, Tanzi-Mae and Martha running very fast!


Heather and Carys stop for a photo
Heather and Carys stop for a photo

Shetland words

Thank you very much to everyone who contributed their favourite Shetland word!  We have added these to our Shetland word wall glossary.

We are still adding to the wall as we are learning new Shetland dialect words all the time!

Our updated Shetland dialect word glossary.
Our updated Shetland dialect word glossary.

Shetland topic

Our topic this term is Shetland.

Last week we looked at pictures, objects and questions to prompt us to think about the kinds of things we want to learn about Shetland.

We wrote lists of questions we want to find out.  It was a fun afternoon and it looks like it’s going to be a busy term learning lots of different things about our islands!

A headband was one of the props to get us thinking about knitwear in Shetland.
A headband was one of the props to get us thinking about knitwear in Shetland.
Using pictures and questions as prompts
Using pictures and questions as prompts
Examining a map
Examining a map
Looking at pictures
Looking at pictures



Last week we learned a bit about coding.

There are great benefits to playing coding games and learning about coding – it not only helps us to become more fluent with technology, but the thought process involved also enhances our problem solving skills.  Plus, it’s lots of fun!

Using the interactive whiteboard in the classroom to learn about the games and the layout.
Using the interactive whiteboard in the classroom to learn about the games and the layout.
Very happy with his progression in a coding game!
Very happy with his progression in a coding game!
Engaged with coding in the ICT suite
Engaged with coding in the ICT suite
Fun with coding
Fun with coding

The Viking Gods universe

As part of our Viking topic we have been learning about the Viking Gods and the universe they believed Odin created.

We spent an afternoon learning about four of the main parts of this universe – Asgard (the land of the Gods), Midgard (the land of the Humans), Jutenheim (the land of the Giants) and the Rainbow Bridge, which connected Asgard and Midgard.

We created the Rainbow Bridge using tissue paper.

We put the story of how Odin created Midgard into the correct order and illustrated the story.

We used shaving foam and baking soda to create Jutenheim, the cold, snowy land of the giants.

We got creative with gold and silver card to create Asgard, the land of the Gods.

We had a fun afternoon and everyone had different favourite parts! 🙂

Creating Jutenheim
Creating Jutenheim
A fantastic version of the cold, frozen land of the giants!
A fantastic version of the cold, frozen land of the giants!
Using tissue paper to create the Rainbow Bridge
Using tissue paper to create the Rainbow Bridge
Creating Asgard
Creating Asgard
Thinking about the story of how Odin created Midgard, land of the humans
Thinking about the story of how Odin created Midgard, land of the humans
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