
Last week we learned a bit about coding.

There are great benefits to playing coding games and learning about coding – it not only helps us to become more fluent with technology, but the thought process involved also enhances our problem solving skills.  Plus, it’s lots of fun!

Using the interactive whiteboard in the classroom to learn about the games and the layout.
Using the interactive whiteboard in the classroom to learn about the games and the layout.
Very happy with his progression in a coding game!
Very happy with his progression in a coding game!
Engaged with coding in the ICT suite
Engaged with coding in the ICT suite
Fun with coding
Fun with coding

The Viking Gods universe

As part of our Viking topic we have been learning about the Viking Gods and the universe they believed Odin created.

We spent an afternoon learning about four of the main parts of this universe – Asgard (the land of the Gods), Midgard (the land of the Humans), Jutenheim (the land of the Giants) and the Rainbow Bridge, which connected Asgard and Midgard.

We created the Rainbow Bridge using tissue paper.

We put the story of how Odin created Midgard into the correct order and illustrated the story.

We used shaving foam and baking soda to create Jutenheim, the cold, snowy land of the giants.

We got creative with gold and silver card to create Asgard, the land of the Gods.

We had a fun afternoon and everyone had different favourite parts! 🙂

Creating Jutenheim
Creating Jutenheim
A fantastic version of the cold, frozen land of the giants!
A fantastic version of the cold, frozen land of the giants!
Using tissue paper to create the Rainbow Bridge
Using tissue paper to create the Rainbow Bridge
Creating Asgard
Creating Asgard
Thinking about the story of how Odin created Midgard, land of the humans
Thinking about the story of how Odin created Midgard, land of the humans

Making spelling fun

Welcome to our blog!

In 3B we have been using spelling stations to practise our spelling words.  It is a fun way to help us learn them!

When we practised our soft ‘c’ sound words the stations included:

-Making the words with multi-link cubes

-Writing the words out once in English and once in Viking runes

-Writing the words as many times as we can on a whiteboard and testing our partner

-Using our soft ‘c’ words in sentences.

Practising our words on whiteboards
Practising our words on whiteboards
Making cross-curricular links to help with our spelling - Viking runes!
Making cross-curricular links to help with our spelling – Viking runes!
Using Multi-link cubes to spell our words
Using Multi-link cubes to spell our words
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