Primary 1 and 2 learned about how some Viking ladies had big brooches on their clothes. We had a go at making our own.
I am sure you would agree that the Viking ladies would enjoy our ‘bling’.
Primary 1 and 2 learned about how some Viking ladies had big brooches on their clothes. We had a go at making our own.
I am sure you would agree that the Viking ladies would enjoy our ‘bling’.
As out Topic is all about Vikings, we got the chance to follow a real Viking shoe pattern and make a shoe. Normally the Vikings made their shoes out of leather. We used felt as it is easier to cut out and sew.
It was really weird as you make the shoe inside out to begin with. When you have done all of the sewing then you turn them the right way out.
The bits round the heel were really tricky, but we persevered and managed to get there to make some fabulous turnsole shoes.
We all did some work on Chinese New Year and made some excellent Chinese Dragons.
We did some amazing planets using chalk and pastels
We learned about some of the stories from the First World War and made some excellent poppies too.
We decided that we needed someone to sing to in music, so meet Steve.
We are very proud to say that we did really well in the 2021 Shetland Library Young Writer Awards.
We managed to win three of the six prizes for the competition. We also got a highly commended too.
The winner all got £50 each and went to Mareel for their awards.
Shetland News ran an article Here
Our winning stories are below:
Unfortunately all Images prior to this post have been deleted. Sadly this was not in our control and was done without our knowledge.
We are slowly trying to find and replace images, but some sadly have gone.
We were really lucky to have Joy Duncan come to Skeld to do four weeks of drumming with us.
we all worked outside and had drums that could be easily cleaned.
we really enjoyed doing this.
We are all back in school and welcomed our new P1’s