All posts by Mrs Mullay

Primary 1 Topic Overview: Weather

This term in Primary 1, our class topic will be Weather. We will be undertaking a range of activities including,

  • Taking daily temperature readings and using information when making graphs.
  • Measuring daily precipitation (rainfall).
  • Learning about the seasons and how these link to the weather.
  • Building an Antarctic weather station in the role play area.
  • Talking about extreme weather, how to protect ourselves from the elements and making weather safety posters.
  • Learning about evaporation and dancing to the Water Fycle Boogie
  • Sorting clothing into whether groups.
  • Learning about the 3 states of water and carrying out related experiments.
  • Melting ice in the water tray and learning about arctic animals.
  • Updating the daily calendar, talking about the weather of the day and learning the weather (les temps) in French.
  • Reading factual books about weather and seasons.
  • Using maps, atlases and Google Earth to learn about the weather in other countries.

Our focus for RME is Islam. We will be:

  • Learning about the origins of Islam and the 5 main beliefs that Muslims live their life by.
  • Designing prayer mats (shape focus)
  • Learning about special books such as the Qur’an, the bible and other important books in our lives
  • Learning about places of worship, including the church and the mosque.
  • Building mosques from Lego and junk
  • Experimenting with writing our names in Arabic
  • Learning about special festivities in the Islamic calendar, such as Eid al-Adha, Eid ul-Fitr, Hajj and Ramadan
  • Concluding out topic with a tasting banquets, making decorations, learning songs etc.

Photos of both topics will follow, as the term progresses.