Early Years

Hello everyone,

We wanted to share with you a video made by ELC about outdoors play in our setting.

We hope you enjoy it.

Outdoor ELC Shetland – YouTube


Good morning!

Hope this finds you all well?  What a shame the weather has turned, again!  Was lovely yesterday!  Guess we can’t be lucky all the time.

Did many of you manage to send videos of you throwing snowballs to Mrs Smith?  If you haven’t she says you still can this week.  I realise there is no snow but you can ball up a pair of white socks, go outside you could still throw that. Please check previous message for Mrs Smiths email.

Its been lovely seeing you all enjoy the craft pack!  Please keep sharing what you get up too!  This week we are focusing on food – its been Chinese New Year and its Pancake day today!  Yum! 16th Feb

This week’s story is read by Claire –

Just a reminder that Thursday is Inservice and Friday (+ Monday) are holidays.  So this is a short week.

We find out today from the Scottish Government if we are back to school next week (Tuesday 23rd) crossing fingers we are as that’ll be so lovely.  It may be an anxious time for children or parents, but remember we are here if you need to contact us.

Mrs McClelland

Good morning!  Hope you are all well?  I can’t believe that is another week gone by.

I have really enjoyed spending time looking through (+commenting) on your home learning.  Please keep sharing what you get up too as it really is so lovely to see all you are doing.

Please find attached this week’s grid, the theme is Love and there is tasks such as making a valentines card, cooking, finding blue things, yoga and a story by Rebecca.  There is also tasks in your craft pack that go along with the theme.  So I can’t wait to see what you do from this week’s grid.9th Feb https://youtu.be/7JN-WMxcNmc

Mrs Smith (PE teacher) is asking for all pupils to take part in a new lockdown video.  Last lockdown she made one of every pupil throwing toilet roll, this time she wants to do the same but throwing a snowball (safely).  If you want to take part please video your child doing this and send it to gw08smithjoan@glow.shetland.sch.uk  Underarm technique click on this link to see the technique Mrs Smith would like to use when throwing the snowball.

Mrs McClelland

Good Morning! The is shining today!  Always makes me happy when it does

I will upload this weeks grid which has a focus of ‘sunshine’ and different activities you can do.  As you know there are craft packs available to those who asked for them.  These have resources, recipes and more that you can use to help with each week’s theme. 2nd Feb

I look forward to seeing the wonderful things you get up to with the help of the craft pack. Please remember to share on your child’s Learning Journal.

This week’s story is read by Lee

Happy (what should have been) Up Helly Aa Day


I want to start by my apologies in the delay in getting this posted out today, been quite a juggling match with homeschooling and work today.

I hope this finds you well and you are making the most of the gorgeous but cold weather!

Please find attached this week’s grid of suggested activities that you and your child can do.  I have tried to give you a variety of tasks to enjoy with your child, if they wish to take part.

week 3

If you and your child do partake in any of the tasks please upload onto your Learning Journal so we can see.  All of the Nursery staff are working in the school so we may not be able to check and respond as quickly as last time but we will get back to you.  We do respond when we can.  I have enjoyed looking at the entries that have been uploaded, thankyou.

Mrs McClelland


Thankfully today seems better weather so hopefully the worst is by us and we can all enjoy the outdoors again.

Attached below is this weeks grid – week 2.  I hope you find it helpful and if you and your child do opt to do an activity then please share your learning on the Learning Journals for us to view.

week 2

This week’s story is read by Tahnae.


Mrs McClelland

I hope you all had a lovely festive break, it was a bit different to the norm but I hope you managed to enjoy it.

Not the start of the year we were hoping for but hopefully we will all be back to school again soon.

In the meantime, I will attach on here this week’s grid of suggested activities that you and your child can do.  There are many things on there from literacy, numeracy, a story of the week read by a familiar staff member, cooking and much more.

If you and your child do partake in any of the tasks please upload onto your Learning Journal so we can see.  All of the Nursery staff are working in the school so we may not be able to check and respond as quickly as last time but we will get back to you.

If you need anything remember you can always contact myself or Lee directly through our email:



Gemma McClelland

week 1



Please find attached the new Nursery Christmas Performance;



It is week

Can’t believe it!  Been a lovely morning here as we have been celebrating some of you moving up to Primary 1.

Please find attached this week’s grid week 12 and the story of the week is being read to you by Mrs Bray.


Have a wonderful summer

Mrs McClelland + EYD Team

23rd June

Hello all,

We’ve had a very exciting morning here and had our 1st transition session with some of our pupils who are moving up to P1 after the holidays.  So lovely to see them again.

Please find this week’s grid attached, it is a construction theme! week 11

Also this week’s story is a different version of the Gruffalo read by Kaleen, we hope you enjoy.

Take care

Mrs McClelland + EYD team


Tuesday 16th June


What a beautiful sunny day!  I hope you are all out there enjoying it?  I plan to get out as soon as I can.

Please find attached this week’s grid which has an ‘all about me’ focus. week 10

This week’s story is read by our very own Librarian Zuzanna.  Hope you like it.


Take care and I’ll be in touch again soon.

You will be emailed out the grid and information about a special task for all transition pupils.

Mrs McClelland + EYD team


Tuesday 8th June

Good afternoon,  I hope this finds you all well?  Please find attached this week’s grid week 9 for you – we have a theme of the hungry caterpillar!  Please see separate sheet SJHS Very Hungry Caterpillar with a suggested whole setting activity that involves painting stones.

This week’s story is from Mr Manson and he is reading Sugarlump and the Unicorn – a firm favourite!  Hope you enjoy!

Mrs McClelland and EYD team

Hello to you all

Hope you are all well.  Please find attached this week’s grid in a PDF format (to stop it jumping around) as well as this weeks story.  Tahnae is emailing out daily Bump2Bairns for you all also.  I will upload onto the Learning Journsals through messages also.

week 8

This week’s story is read by Mr Clubb!  Enjoy.

Take care

Mrs McClelland + EYD team


Hello everyone – Friday 22nd May 2020

Yesterday you will have received an email telling you about reflections week for Week 7.
The learning opportunities that have been provided for reflections week all have a HWB theme, but they will also help you to learn and practise many skills across the curriculum.
I have attached a copy of the grid onto here too for your reference. i If you would like any of your experiences to be a part of a whole school video montage, please email them to sandwick@shetland.gov.uk. There is no expectation to upload any of your experiences but be lovely to see if you do want too.
I have also a few extra activities that couldn’t fit onto our grid that are optional if you wanted to do them.
Thank you
Mrs McClelland +  EYD team

Tuesday 18th May


What a beautiful and sunny day!  Shame its changing again tomorrow!  

I have attached this week’s grid for you all, this time it is a PDF format and I’m hoping it means it wont jump around and be better.  Please email and let us know if its better as word or PDF.  I can also try to make it a JPEG if need be.


We hope you’re enjoying our grids, we are loving researching and putting them together! Also, we are finding your input into the parent contributions on Learning Journals a super way for seeing your child’s progress, thank you to those who have been contributing. Like the activity grids your input is optional, but if you’re having difficulty in accessing the parent contribution part of your learning journals, and would like to, please do not hesitate to contact us and we can help you with any queries.

I am also attaching this weeks story read today by Laura!  We hope you enjoy.

Mrs McClelland + EYD Team

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Tuesday 12th May 2020

Hello everyone – can’t quite believe the difference a week makes!  No lovely sunshine or warmth for us at the moment just very cold and snow!  Still if your dressed for it, you can still get out and enjoy it.

We hope you have been getting your daily emails with your suggestions from Bumps2bairns?  Always fun ideas on there.

I am going to attach on here and through a message on Learning Journals this week’s grid and story.  Today’s story is read by Tahnae – hope you enjoy it.

We love hearing all your news through the Learning Journal – so please keep doing that.  The slideshow of all your photos should be shared with you soon.


Take care and stay safe

Mrs McClelland + EYD Team


Tuesday 5th May 2020

Another sunny day – we hope you are managing to get out and enjoy it!  Below I will attach this weeks grid for you.  Our story of the week has been read by Emma , please see below:

If you all check your email in box AND Learning Journal messages you should see an email with our ‘rainbow message’ attached.  I had a big smile on my face making it and hope it makes you smile too!  We miss you

Just a reminder about the whole school community #buildabroch challenge – more info on the grid.

Thank you

EYD Team



Tuesday 28th April.

Hope this finds you all well?  The wind has picked up but it is still nice to get out and about 🙂

Below is this week’s grid full of different suggestions we would like you to do – if you and your child want.  There is also the #BuildaBroch challenge – a whole school challenge that would be great if you could take part.

Also the Bump2Bairns activities and this week Claire Smith is reading a story for us.





I am going to send a message to you all on Learning Journals so I hope you get it and we have contacted you through snail mail too!  Keep in touch, we miss you all.

EYD team


Tuesday 21st April

Hello on another sunny day! Aren’t we blessed to live where we live!  Especially when the weather is so nice!  Hope you are all looking after yourself and soaking up some vit D when you can

Below is a video of myself reading this week’s story to you all!  I hope you enjoy.


Please click on the following links to see this week’s grid with suggestions for your bairns to do as well as 2 attachments that go with the grid.


Monkey Puzzle Story Stones (2)

Spring Yoga Sequence

Monday 20th April, hope you are all getting out and making the most of this sunshine!!

Below is the link for todays bump2bairns task:


Friday 17th April – below is the link to todays bump2bairns task

a space of my own

We hope you are accessing this page, making use of Learning Journals too!

Be safe and have a lovely weekend in the SUN!!!

EYD team


Wedneday 15th April

Above is a message from us all!  Hope you enjoyed the Easter holidays and ate lots of chocolate


As always, if you need anything please keep in touch.  We are enjoying looking at the Parent contributions section of the Learning journal app and there is also the weekly email.

Learning Grid

Below is a weekly grid of suggestions to do at home for you an your child.  Each week a member of staff is going to read you a story too 🙂

This week is Lee with The Dinky Donkey, words by Craig Smith.  Illustrated by Katz Cowley.  Published by Scholastic (had to be taken down due to publishing rights)


Below is a link to an article from Bumps2Bairns. Every day we will share something new with you.  There are great suggestions of different things you can do with your child.  Just click on the link below

Incy Wincy

For music lovers Sticky Kids are doing podcasts to help you get your groove on!  Go to stickykids.podbean.com

Thank you, EYD Team

___________________________________________________________________________________________________Today is the last day of term: Friday 27th March

This is a link to a really good site https://bumps2bairns.com/ it has lots If you are looking for ideas how to help young children learn at home through play.  It is worth a look.

What I have started doing in my house is something you may want to do.  Weve got post its and an empty jar and during the holidays as we are all on lockdown there will be many things you want to do but cant: like go to Grannys, have a sleepover at a friends, go to Michaelswood and so on.  You write it down on a post it and put in the jar.  Once lockdown is over and we have the all clear its like a bucket list o things to do.


Please remember to use the Learning Journals app (mentioned below) to share with us and WE can all comment.  Its such a lovely way to keep in touch

Its the HOLIDAYS. Remember to enjoy and get outside when you can.  Be safe.  Mrs McClelland and EYD team 


Hello today is Thursday 26th March

We miss seeing your children terribly and would love to hear from you as much as we can to see what you have been up to. As well as emailng us on:

Mrs McClelland: gw17mcclellandgemma@glow.sch.uk

Lee Smith: gw14smithlee2@glow.sch.uk

Another form of keeping in touch with us is using the Learning Journals app.  Please search for:

Learning Journals for parents

Simply login and everything is there. There is a section called parent contributions and there you can upload photos straight off your phone and add comments telling us what you have been up too.  We can then login in and see you have added a contribution and comment back.


See below for different ideas on how to have fun at home, stay safe and keep in touch

Mrs McClelland

ELC – Learning in the Home












Stuart Clubb Head Teacher

Gemma McClelland Early Years Teacher

Lee Smith Early Years Senior Practitioner

Claire Smith Early Years Worker

Tahnae Maclennan Modern Apprentice

Inspectorate Report – Jan 2019