Primary 5/6 Class Blog

Let us share our learning with you.

by Andy William
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Book Week Scotland

For Book Week we had a competition between all the classes and we won! We got a £10 voucher to spend on something for our class. We went around the classes and up to the nursery then to the secondary to see their displays.

We wrote our own story’s inspired by the Author’s live event we took part in. We wrote a story behind a door cover about a street full of people. We made a fake cardboard Gangsta Granny and Diary of a Wimpy Kid books for the display and we had a vote for the top 5 authors, books, illustrators and lines in a book.

Update: We bought Scrabble for our class with the voucher, Mrs Irvine says it will help us to develop our spelling and vocabulary skills.

by Poppy
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3D Shapes and Maths

During maths we have learnt about 3D shapes and how to make their nets.

2 new shapes we have learnt are the tetrahedron and octaherdron.

Parts of a 3D shape are, vertices, vertex and edges and a face.

We have done a lot of practical maths.

by Evie Charlotte
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Christmas Concert

Our Christmas concert was Jack and the Beanstalk. Izzy Swanson helped us choose our concert and helped us with it. We had a practise with Izzy every Thursday. We had a lot of fun and we think we did a good job with our concert. The concert went really well and we think everyone enjoyed it. We enjoyed making props for the concert.

by Maya Elizabeth
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Dental Visit

We had 2 dentists from child smile come into p5/6 to talk about teeth and dental health. We did a worksheet on types of teeth and structured a model mouth of teeth.

First we sorted them into upper teeth (which are bigger) and lower teeth (which are smaller), then we sorted them into types of teeth- canines, incisors, premolars & molars.

After that we put them into the (model) mouth, (no humans/mouths were harmed in this activity!).

by Mrs Irvine
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Authors Live

As part of Book Week Scotland, our class has been watching Authors Live with Phil Earle. It was really enjoyable and very motivating.

We loved the part about writing stories based on who lives behind the door, so we have written some of our own.

by Isla Frances
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In French this term we have done greetings, colors, months, days, Family and seasons.

Colors we have learnt are; jaune -yellow, orange -orange, rouge- red, noir -black, violet -purple, marron -brown, rose -pink, bleu-blue, vert -green, gris -gray and blanc -white and if you want to say your favourite colour you say “ma couleur preferee est…”

Greetings we have learnt are bonjour- hello, salut- hi, cava- how are you, bien- good comme ci comme ca -ok, bof- bad, au revoir- bye, je mappele- my name is…”

Days of the week is lundi -Monday, mardi -Tuesday, mercredi -Wednesday, jeudi -Thursday, vendredi -Friday, samedi -Satarday and dimanche -Sunday

If you are confused how to say them,ask any of P5/6 to tell you how they are pronounced!



by Evie Charlotte
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PE/ Swimming

Our PE teacher is our teacher Mrs Irvine and sometimes Miss Spence takes us for swimming   We did dancing for our PE last week in the leisure centre with primary 1/2/3. We all took one of the  p1 children and danced with only one p1 we danced the Birdy Dance the Hokee Koki and the Grand Old Duke of York. Miss Spence takes us for swimming every Monday afternoon we are practising for the inter house swimming. We all have teams in the inter house they are Mallie, Tirrick  and Shalder . Sometimes we have to add all the numbers of the date, then swim that number of lengths. We have to swim lots of lengths we might have to swim 50 or more.

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