Primary 5/6 Class Blog

Let us share our learning with you.

by Mrs Irvine
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Sumdog Champions!

Through hard work and determination P5/6 have won the Shetland Sumdog Challenge. Everyone in the class has worked very hard to answer all 1000 questions over the course of the week and all children in the class were in the top 120 students.

We won a 6 month subscription to Sumdog which we have used to access the spelling content on the website.

Well done everyone!

by Jenny Sandison
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P6 Young Leaders

On Thursday for the past 5 weeks P6s have been going to Young Leaders. They have been working with Danny doing different things every week.

The first week we came we had to be sorted into groups and list people who you thought were leaders. After that we got a leader on a bit of paper and we had to say how good they were and how bad they were.At Young Leaders we had to follow the 6 key terms which were safety, cooperation, communication, enjoyment, responsibility and organisation. We had focus on something every week what stood for S.T.E.P.

The first week we had to focus on our space using the squash court, like how much you needed for playing a game.

Next we focused on task. We had to think about what we were going to play and how to organise it.

Then we did equipment, we had to come up with a game and use lots of different equipment for it.

Next it was person, we had to think about what we could do with a younger people and how much they could manage the game.

In our groups we had to think of a warm-up and a fu n main game. We came up with fun games that was well organised. On our last week we had to deliver our games to the P1s. We got on very well and we got very good feedback from the P1s and Mrs Anderson. Mrs Anderson said now she knows some games to do with the P1s. The P1s enjoyed it very much!

After doing this the P6s had a good idea of jobs working with children and what you could do with them.


by Jenny Sandison
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P6 badminton

On Tuesday P6/7 did badminton at the Whalsay Leisure Centre. The woman that took us was called Jane Grant. Jane Grant goes around schools all over Scotland teaching badminton.

We learned net shots and clears. For a warm up we had to jog around and show a net shot pose. We also learned how to do a backhand serve. We had to serve the shuttle cock into the cone, but only a few of us got it done. We had mini matches against each other. Then we had to throw the shuttle cock with each other in a pair. The way you threw the shuttle cock was the way you played a clear. She also showed us equipment you could use with smaller ones like fluffy balls and other stuff. We had lots of fun and learnt lots of different things.

by Evie Charlotte
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African Drumming

Every Friday we do African drumming with our drumming teacher Joy Duncan. We are learning Yankedy Macroo. It is tricky with lots of changes and it means we have to drum as a team and all fit together.

It is really good fun, we have warm ups and usually ‘go bananas’ at the end of the lesson. It is loads of fun and we feel really lucky to get African drumming.

by Evie Charlotte
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clearances debate

On Friday on 2nd of February we had a debate about the Scottish clearances.  The debate was between the tenants and the landlords and there were some very good points.

Our class thought there was no winner, but it gave us the chance to see the situation from both sides. We also made croft houses for our wall display .

by Jenny Sandison
Comments Off on Primary 6 Musical Evening

Primary 6 Musical Evening

Primary 6 have worked hard this term to showcase a Musical evening to raise money for our P7 Voxter trip. We had to make posters, leaflets and we got to cook at the Secondary. We were sorted into groups so we all had a job. Some of the P6s went to the shop and some made beautiful posters. We got to bake brunnies, a  maltster tray bake and chocolate cupcakes. Our baking went very well because there was none left! We raised lots of money for our trip. Lots of people came and we had lots of fun!

by Isla Frances
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Christmas Dinner and Christmas Jumper Day

First we went into our class and started making our Christmas hats. Then we measured a piece paper around our heads to see if it would fit before we start making our hats. Then we collected the materials for our hats then we started to decorate the hats some where elves, reindeer, Santa, fire places and lots more.

On Christmas dinner day we also had this day called Christmas jumper day. We wore our favorite Christmas jumpers  to school and donated £1 for Children in Need.

Christmas dinner is the same day as Christmas jumper day. We wear our hat that we made and we get our Christmas dinner. we get juice, a cracker and the Christmas dinner.



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