Primary 5/6 Class Blog

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STEM workshop

05/09/2018 by Ian Thomas

On the 9.05.18 Emma Chittock  came up to our class to do  a Lego Robot workshop all about plastic waste in the world. We got to programme the robots and had to make them move a piece of “plastic waste” under a chair and leave the waste under the chair.

STEM stands for Science, Technology,  Engineering and Mathematics. She told us a bit about STEM based careers too.

She came to Whalsay last year to work with us about space junk. We hope she will be coming up again on the 5th of June to work with us about renewable energy because energy is our topic.

The class loved it, they thought it was pretty hard but they still liked it a lot.




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by Owen John
Comments Off on Maths


This term we have have been learning all about Number, which includes hundred thousands, thousands, hundreds, tens and units. We do Maths nearly every day. We have been doing Sumdog which is a maths game that encourages us to get … Continue reading

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