On Thursday for the past 5 weeks P6s have been going to Young Leaders. They have been working with Danny doing different things every week.
The first week we came we had to be sorted into groups and list people who you thought were leaders. After that we got a leader on a bit of paper and we had to say how good they were and how bad they were.At Young Leaders we had to follow the 6 key terms which were safety, cooperation, communication, enjoyment, responsibility and organisation. We had focus on something every week what stood for S.T.E.P.
The first week we had to focus on our space using the squash court, like how much you needed for playing a game.
Next we focused on task. We had to think about what we were going to play and how to organise it.
Then we did equipment, we had to come up with a game and use lots of different equipment for it.
Next it was person, we had to think about what we could do with a younger people and how much they could manage the game.
In our groups we had to think of a warm-up and a fu n main game. We came up with fun games that was well organised. On our last week we had to deliver our games to the P1s. We got on very well and we got very good feedback from the P1s and Mrs Anderson. Mrs Anderson said now she knows some games to do with the P1s. The P1s enjoyed it very much!
After doing this the P6s had a good idea of jobs working with children and what you could do with them.