Primary 5/6 Class Blog

Let us share our learning with you.


In French this term we have done greetings, colors, months, days, Family and seasons.

Colors we have learnt are; jaune -yellow, orange -orange, rouge- red, noir -black, violet -purple, marron -brown, rose -pink, bleu-blue, vert -green, gris -gray and blanc -white and if you want to say your favourite colour you say “ma couleur preferee est…”

Greetings we have learnt are bonjour- hello, salut- hi, cava- how are you, bien- good comme ci comme ca -ok, bof- bad, au revoir- bye, je mappele- my name is…”

Days of the week is lundi -Monday, mardi -Tuesday, mercredi -Wednesday, jeudi -Thursday, vendredi -Friday, samedi -Satarday and dimanche -Sunday

If you are confused how to say them,ask any of P5/6 to tell you how they are pronounced!



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