Primary 5/6 Class Blog

Let us share our learning with you.

by Cara Rebecca
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Scottish Opera

On the 6th of June 2018 we went to Brae and 3 other schools were there. They were Aith, Brae, Mossbank and all the schools had different roles. We were taking part in the Scottish Opera production of “Dragon of the Western Sea”.

P5-7 were the Africans. We had been learning the songs since we came back to school, but we learned the actions and routines in 1.5 hours on Wednesday morning!

It was great to be a part of the performance!

by Cara Rebecca
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Renewable Workshop



On the 5th of May 2018 Emma Chittick came to P56. She had some new equipment that she wanted to try out. It was a Lego wind mill set that we had to make. Emma spoke to us about renewable and non renewable energies and the advantages and disadvantages of both.

We had a task to make a Lego wind turbine. It was really good fun. We worked in teams and constructed the turbine using Lego Technic. We tested the wind mills outside with a device that says how many volts it gets up to. The highest was 5.7 volts and the smallest was 1.6 volts.


by Greig Alex
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Project Bongo


On Wednesday the 23 of May 2018 Peter from Project Bongo came to our school to talk about Project Bongo. Project bongo started because Peter was going to Africa after being an art teacher, to go and teach teachers how to teach children. When he was there, he saw that there weren’t enough water pumps for everybody.  He started by telling us how the Africans have to walk long distances to get the water to their house. Some of us put a 8kg bucket on our head like the Africans who carry the buckets on their head, it was extremely heavy and uncomfortable. There are not enough water pumps around so Peter and his charity are installing more water pumps.

After that we did an activity to guess how many buckets of water we would use different things, compared to what Africans use. The Africans find water by digging down until they find water underground 25 meters deep.

It was really interesting.


by Ian Thomas
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Dogs Against Drugs

On the 17.5.18 the drug dog  handler Michael Coutts, came up to our class to tell us about the drug dogs. First he showed us some of his police gear.  He showed us four jackets, a baton and he put us all in handcuffs!

Then he showed us videos of his partner Ewan’s dog Blade and his dog Axel. They hid drugs in an evidence bags and the dogs had to find them. The dogs see it as a game and get rewarded with a bouncy ball.  They have to wear gloves so the drugs don’t go into their skin.

Then he let us see his dogs Thor and Axel. Axel is 2 years old and Thor is 3 years old he is fit and really fast.

Everyone loved it. We got key rings at the end.

by Ella Jean
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Chemical Energy Experiments

On 10/5/18 we went up to the Secondary to do Chemical experiments with Mr MacInnes, he showed us 6 experiments.

The first experiment Mr Macinnes had put Mari’s brown hair in a small jar. Then he poured hydrogen peroxide, after a while it would turn the hair blonde.

Next he showed us how he made elephant toothpaste. Elephant toothpaste  is a chemical mix of hydrogen peroxide, food colouring and yeast. It wasn’t so fast because Mr MacInnes had the hydrogen peroxide in the fridge before hand.

The next experiment Mr Macinnes put copper liquid, which is blue, in 4 jars with some chemicals we mixed them together and they gave off heat. we left them for a bit and they turned grey then clear.

Right after that, he showed us a experiment that was called exploding custard where Mr MacInnes put a candle in a tin of empty coffee then added custard powder, he lit the candle and one of the members of our class blew into a pipe connected to the tin. The custard blew  up and the lid came flying off, it made a loud bang sound.

Then he showed us and experiment using petrol and oxygen. He put petrol in a small beaker then blew some oxygen into the beaker. He then put a 2p coin on the to of the beaker and connected a spark to the beaker and the 2p coin flew off. He told us that explosion happens in a cars engine 12,000 times a minute.

Finally he showed us the bottle rocket he filled the rocket with 2 parts hydrogen 1 part oxygen then he lit the lid of the rocket and BANG! It flew into a wall like a real rocket! He then told us that the bang happens in a regular rocket.

We really enjoyed our time over in the secondary and we loved seeing all the experiments.

STEM workshop

05/09/2018 by Ian Thomas

On the 9.05.18 Emma Chittock  came up to our class to do  a Lego Robot workshop all about plastic waste in the world. We got to programme the robots and had to make them move a piece of “plastic waste” under a chair and leave the waste under the chair.

STEM stands for Science, Technology,  Engineering and Mathematics. She told us a bit about STEM based careers too.

She came to Whalsay last year to work with us about space junk. We hope she will be coming up again on the 5th of June to work with us about renewable energy because energy is our topic.

The class loved it, they thought it was pretty hard but they still liked it a lot.




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by Mackie John
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French body parts

We have been learning about French body parts. We started with face parts and created Picasso pictures out of face parts. Then we learned the rest of the body parts and made monsters using dice. It was like the game beetle for example, if we threw a five we would draw five of a certain body part . We also made a big human and labelled it for our french display.

by Jenny Sandison
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Isla from Australia

Isla Anderson who comes from Australia came up to our school. Isla took 5 planes to get here and she’s missing a lot of school. But she came to P5/6 to do some work with us and meet new friends. Isla  told us about her school and showed us their uniforms they wore to school and we got to ask her some questions. She told us that they had to bring pack lunches every day to school and not eat them in a canteen. but today, Isla had a school dinner and she liked it! Isla had to keep a journal for her school on what she did at the school so she got to take a lot of pictures for her journal. She got pictures if our Library and our class. Isla got to meet a lot of friends and learn new things about our school. We hope she comes back to see us again!

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