Here are a few pictures from our first morning back in school after the Christmas holidays.
We’ve had a great holiday and are ready to get busy again.
Primary 1A 2018 Our Class Blog
Our Learning Journey
Here are a few pictures from our first morning back in school after the Christmas holidays.
We’ve had a great holiday and are ready to get busy again.
As part of The Scottish Book Trust’s Bookbug week we had our Bookbug Family event in P 1 today.
We listened to the story ‘One Button Benny’ by Alan Windram then we had a go at making our own robots.
Thank you to everyone who made our afternoon such fun and what brilliant robots we made.
We saw a performance of ‘Poggle’ on Monday afternoon.
It was a funny dance theatre show for boys and girls out age.
We loved it.
Creating our bonfire pictures.
We were really lucky this week to get a special visit from the Author Lynne Rickards. She brought two of the books she’s written ‘Skye the Puffling’ and ‘Rowan the Red Squirrel’. The stories were brilliant and we loved her toy characters.
In term 1 we’ve been listening to lots of stories and using our class library to choose books we would like to explore.
We have also been visiting the school library where we have selected story sacks with a partner and enjoyed sharing them in the classroom.
In term 2 we get to take a book home each week from the school library to share with our families. We can’t wait.
We’re going to share our learning journey and we hope you enjoy it. Here are a selection of the things we’ve been doing in Term 1.
Developing our fine motor skills.