Here are a few pictures from our first morning back in school after the Christmas holidays.
We’ve had a great holiday and are ready to get busy again.
Primary 1A 2018 Our Class Blog
Our Learning Journey
Here are a few pictures from our first morning back in school after the Christmas holidays.
We’ve had a great holiday and are ready to get busy again.
As part of The Scottish Book Trust’s Bookbug week we had our Bookbug Family event in P 1 today.
We listened to the story ‘One Button Benny’ by Alan Windram then we had a go at making our own robots.
Thank you to everyone who made our afternoon such fun and what brilliant robots we made.
Creating our bonfire pictures.
Our focus on putting objects in order from the smallest to the largest had a spooky feel this week!
We have been learning about the changes which happen outside in Autumn and found out that the hedgehogs are busy preparing to sleep for the winter.
We created our own hedgehogs for our wall display. We painted our hedgehog body using paper plates then we cut out our spines and glued them on. Here are some of the hedgehogs being made.
We really enjoyed the story about Gerald the Giraffe who thought he couldn’t dance. He found out that he could when he chose music that he enjoyed.
The music he needed was different to the music that the other animals used.
So we talked about how we are all different and all good at different things and that’s what makes us special.
Here are some of the pictures showing how we made our Gerald.
We’re going to share our learning journey and we hope you enjoy it. Here are a selection of the things we’ve been doing in Term 1.
Developing our fine motor skills.