We were delighted to welcome Dawn Manson into our classroom today to help us learn how important it is to keep our hands clean and how we can do this really well.
We got to use the ‘Magic Potion’ which represented germs and look at them under the ultraviolet light. The invisible ‘Magic Potion’ glowed under the special light. Then we washed our hands to see if we could was away all the germs.
This helped us see how tricky germs are when we can’t see them and how important it is to wash our hands really well with soap and water.
Dawn showing us the magic cream and talking about the ultraviolet light we were going to use to see the pretend germs.Checking our hands for the first time after the cream was applied. Wow we look like skeletons!
Then after washing our hands we came back to double check if they were clean.
It was difficult to know if the hands were really clean by just looking at them.
We did a brilliant job and all had lovely clean hands. We keep practising this every day when we wash our hands before snack and lunch.
We have been learning about the changes which happen outside in Autumn and found out that the hedgehogs are busy preparing to sleep for the winter.
We created our own hedgehogs for our wall display. We painted our hedgehog body using paper plates then we cut out our spines and glued them on. Here are some of the hedgehogs being made.