Art Lesson

In art P1 have been printing with Lego.  We have used our imagination to print our own castle.

What a great fun was had getting messy with black paint ☺️


Learning logs – Up Helly Aa

This week we all wanted to write about Up Helly Aa, we were soooo excited to have been on a trip to the street to see the Jarl Squad and wanted to share our learning in our learning log.

Outdoor Learning – Beach Explorers

Primary 1A had a lovely morning exploring the beach near our school, we sat for 1 minute with our eyes closed listening to the sound of the burn carrying the rain water down from the hills to the sea. We felt very relaxed.

Then we counted out 10 stones and practised our number formation using chalk to write the numbers on the stones. We counted them forwards and backwards to each other.

Then we explored the rock pools, the burns, the stones and gathered some sea treasures to bring back to school with us. We are enjoying increasing responsibility as we learn to be safe in the outdoors.


Good Morning Everyone!
I really enjoyed seeing your snow day photos in my emails, thank you for sending them to me. You can also post on the News channel on TEAMS if you would like to share.
If you’re looking for some learning to do today remember the homework grid for this week and a short snow day activity grid is available on Teams, I will attach them below.
Home Learning T3 W3

Enjoy your day home – hope to see you all back in school soon!

A Day in the Life of a P1

Morning: We start out day with continuous provision (free play), our morning job (independent and we have 50 mins to decide when we want to do it) was painting Moon using paper plates. We finished our solar system art work and we played ‘word pick and mix’ reading and then writing the word on the balls. Mrs Sjoberg takes each group for reading and phonics too while we play.
Teaching Time: Doh Disco, singing nursery rhymes and speaking about our weekends and news, we then drew and wrote our news in our jotters.
PE: We had PE with Mrs Ritchie, learning dance and movement.
Teaching Time: We learned about Moon phases and watched a video about the types of Moons. We played a phonics game as a class.
Afternoon: We learnt a new phonics sound and revised all the others, we played during continuous provision and we enjoyed playing with the light box making words, numbers and shape pictures.
Teaching Time: Counting to 30, we sang our counting to 30 song and then our afternoon job (independent we have 30 mins to do it) was writing the missing numbers in the number lines. Mrs Sjoberg took us to the red table to roll dice and make addition sums using tens frames.
End of the Day: We ended the day with Yoga and two stories. One read by Mrs Sjoberg ‘The Smeds and the Smoos’ and one read by Cbeebies bedtime stories online.
Phew! What a busy day being a P1! Photos on our class TEAM.

We love Drawing Club!

We are developing so many essential learning skills and attitudes through drawing club. We have opportunities for personal success, for peer, group and whole class discussion. Fostering a love of reading and stories and expanding our vocabulary. Take at look at our journey below. This week we are reading ‘The Night before, the night before Christmas’ and Mrs Sjoberg was so impressed with our pre-handwriting skills, our emergent writing of numbers and sounds/short words. But the most exciting party is the enthusiasm everyone has for sharing their drawings!

Mirror Dancers

We’ve been learning about winter, we learned about the Mirrie Dancers and created these beautiful winter pictures.


Art Lesson

In art P1 have been creating snowmen.

We used sponges and fingers to print the snow and then used coloured paper to make hats and scarves.

They are lovely and cheery 😃


Gruffalo Garden Centre

Our Gruffalo Garden Centre and Cafe have been a huge hit today. Lots of opportunities for communication skills, role play, mark making and exchanging money. At the end of the day learners shared with the class who they were buying flowers for, lots of special grown ups at home but so nice to hear lots of children say it was for themselves as a treat, self care so important. 🌸


African Drumming

Our first drumming class with Joy, we learned about African Drums and how to make an open and closed tone on our drums.



We love gym with Mrs Ritchie and we always have class teacher gym on a Friday with Mrs Sjoberg. Can you imagine P1A’s excitement when they saw Mrs Ritchie had left the equipment out for us (and can you imagine Mrs Sjoberg’s face!)

We were so sensible and had an absolute ball!


Guy Fawkes and Staying Safe

As part of our topic we’ve been learning how to stay safe around bonfires, fire works and sparklers. We know about Guy Fawkes and have been learning about how to make different firework shapes and designs in art.

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