UHA 2024

Tuesday 30th January 2024 was a special day at Sound Primary School as we were visited by both the Junior and Senior Jarl Squads of 2024.

The Junior Jarl Squad, led by Guizer Jarl Skeppare Nokkvesson (aka Oran McCulloch), were in fine voice during their time with us, supported by a group of young local musicians who did a brilliant job. ‘Yes Sir, I can Boogie’ was definitely a highlight! The clip below shows all the pupils from p1 to p7 joining in with the Up Helly Aa song.

The Senior Jarl Squad, led by Guizer Jarl King Harald Olafsson (aka Richard Moar) were also pretty spectacular both in sight and sound. A fantastic line up of local musicians provided the music for the Up Helly Aa song and also their squad song which made us all want to get up and dance! Here is a clip of all the pupils from p1 to p7 joining in with the Up Helly Aa song. The Jarl commented how loud and enthusiastic our singing was. High praise indeed from a ‘King’!

Up Helly Aa 2024

What a day!

The class have had a great time preparing for Up Helly Aa. We made shields and helmets. We have set up our own Sound School Galley Shed in the infant wing which includes dressing up, axe designs, helmet making, galley building, torch making, art activities and a workbench with real tools.

We enjoyed the day which included a walk to the Clickimin to see the Junior galley and presentations in the gym hall to both the junior squad and senior squad. We got a very quick chance to hold their shields and try their helmets before the vikings had to leave again.

Thank you to all the parent helpers who came on our trip. It was great to have you.  Thank you to the squads who came to visit. It was a very special and exciting day for everyone.

Curriculum Information and Family Learning Grid for Term 3

The Curriculum Information document below shows parents what learning is planned for the pupils this term.

The Family Learning Grid is optional tasks for you to do based on what learning we are doing in class. Our topic this term is Lerwick so several tasks are linked to exploring Lerwick. Please email me with any photos you have of your home learning or feel free to share your experiences with us.


P2 Optional Family Learning Grid Term 3

Curriculum Information P2A Term 3


We have started the new term in PE with a dance block.  We follow a scheme of work which involves a lot of movement both travelling and on the spot.  We look at a lot of contrasting ways like lively and gentle and fast and slow.  We also include counting, stopping and starting at the right time, changing direction, using the space well, creativity and imagination.

In our first lesson one of the activities was a follow the leader travel contrasting with a stopping waving and clapping sequence.  Here we are in action.


Christmas Party

I didn’t get many photos, too busy having fun. Thank you to Mrs Ritchie for organising the games for us.

We also had a visit from the sneaky elf who had tied up some of the infant wing toys and had eaten all the chocs from the advent calendars. The class had fun drawing a picture and writing about his antics.

Night and Day

Our topic this term has been Night and Day.

This has included:

  • What happens at day and night
  • Nocturnal and Diurnal animals
  • Light sources including natural and artificial lighting
  • Learning about the moon
  • Electrical circuits to switch on a bulb for light
  • Being safe in the dark
  • Being safe around fireworks and bonfires
  • Materials that help us to be seen in the dark
  • Shadows
  • Hedgehogs including their lifecycle
  • Reading ‘The Owl that was Afraid of the Dark’


Bookbug with Chloe

We had a visit from Chloe, she works at the Shetland Library. We did some nursery rhymes with her. We did Incy, Wincy, Spider and Baa Baa Black Sheep and some more. We read two books with her. They were fun. The cat in the book was very cute. We did a few songs including The Big White Bus.

Keeping a steady beat! Choo! Choo!

This term we have been continuing to develop our knowledge and understanding of pulse, rhythm and pitch through rhymes, action games and singing games. In the video you can see our performance of a rhyme called ‘Engine, Engine Number 9’. We kept the pulse of the rhyme using our hands and arms to be the train wheels moving along the track and look out for how we show the rhythm of the last line of the rhyme the second time through.

Another Gymnastics!

This was our last week of gymnastics.  The class have loved this block, especially the equipment.  Everyone has worked so hard.  We have seen lots and lots of learning taking place including balance and control, co-ordination, gross motor skills, core stability, strength, flexibility, stamina and confidence, as well as less obvious aspects like respect and tolerance, decision making and prioritising.  A great block with so much effort put in.  Well done P2A.

Here we are exploring this weeks equipment.

Numeracy Week

This week we have played lots of numeracy games. Bingo was the favourite. Here is the spinner we used if anyone wants to try it at home. You just need to write 6 numbers down and get spinning.  0-20 spinner – Random wheel (wordwall.net)

We also played whiteboard games, board games, did lessons from Lloyds Bank on money, did our Chaos in the Snow challenge(see post further below with photos on this), loop cards and we loved having the grown ups in to talk to us about their jobs and do our number notion packs together. Our play areas were all set up with tasks that involved number. We had weighing and measuring, a shop to use money in, matching, ordering, connect 4, shapes, building using blocks, calculators, letter formation and stories using numbers.

Here are some of the games we have enjoyed this week.

Place Value Basketball – Dienes Game for 5 to 8 Year Olds (topmarks.co.uk)

Shark Numbers || To know what each digit in a 3-digit number represents – mobile friendly (ictgames.com)

Gymnastics week 5

More excitement this week in the form of a trampette.  This is a miniature trampoline that you use like a springboard.  The pupil steps on and jumps off showing a 1 foot-2 feet-2 feet foot pattern.  Other changes included a double bar, a high bench, a high ladder, obstacles on the beam, the springboard beside our long box and the wide box was another block higher.

Here we are in action.

Chaos at the North Pole

As part of Numeracy Week we had a whole-school challenge to help the elves. Our elf had been caught in a snowstorm and needed somewhere to shelter. The pupils had to make him a shelter to keep him warm and dry. We had to plan our shelter by drawing a diagram of what we wanted it to look like and list the resources we needed. We had to make sure our shelter matched the criteria the elves had given us.

  • The shelter must protect the elf from the wind.
  • The shelter must keep the elf dry.
  • The shelter must stand on its own.
  • The shelter needs a doorway to enter and exit.

Gymnastics week 4

Week 2 of the equipment saw a different set up for the pupils to explore.  The main differences were we had the ropes out, included a change of direction, the wide box was slightly higher and the bench up to the long box was flat and lower.

Here are some pictures of us working.


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