
We had a great time in the multi doing an orienteering task. We then had an explore in the wildlife area and there was a very friendly red admiral butterfly going from one set of rocks to another, it nearly landed on us a few times.

Sports Day 2024

We had a great day! Thank you to the parent helpers who counted, timed and generally helped out. It was very much appreciated. What a busy morning it was!!

“I liked watching the mini marathon”

“I liked doing the running races”

“I liked doing the jumping over the triangle”

“I liked doing the speed bounce”

“I liked playing with my friends”

“I liked everything”

To relax in the afternoon after a busy morning we decided to watch The Snale and The Whale.

Primary Two – Our favourite bits..

We were discussing all the fun times in primary two. The pupils had so many times to talkĀ  about, we ran out of space on the white board and had to use some mini- whiteboards to add all our ideas on to.

Some of the highlights of the year were:

  • Outdoor learning – we have done lots but the favourites were the stoney beach and the burn
  • Baking – pancakes and gingerbread men
  • Fruit testing
  • Parties
  • Play
  • Map making
  • Swimming
  • Museum visit
  • Bookbug visits
  • Going to the library
  • Story time
  • Having parents in to do maths games
  • Making circuits
  • Gym time

We made acrostic poems on our favourite experiences.

Outdoor Learning – Data Handling

We did maths outside yesterday. We have been learning about tally marks so we went outside to record the variety of coloured cars we could see. To record it clearly and accurately we used tally marks. We have been learning that it is important to use a finger space between each group of 5. We know we can read it clearly if it is neat and has a space. We saw lots of white cars! And hardly any pink, purple or brown cars.

Meta skills we covered were focusing, communicating, curiosity and collaborating.

Digital Economy Skills and Careers


We had a visit from Cheryl and Naomi from Morgan Sindall to speak to us about plants. The pupils loved the videos of the exploding seeds. We saw tiny seeds and a picture of a coconut as that is the biggest seed.

They have left us resources so we can do our own planting in the next few weeks. Thank you!

Health and Wellbeing Week

We had outdoor plans for Thursday afternoon but it was REALLY wet so we decided to have an afternoon of games. What a lovely idea for a rainy day.

Health and Wellbeing Week Story Time

We read this lovely story today. It is called Amazing Me Amazing You by Christine McGuinness.Ā  We spoke about how we are all unique and we have some similarities and some differences but we all like that we are our own people.

Fruit Tasting as part of Health and Wellbeing Week

We loved getting fruit for snack! Lots of pupils were trying blackberries, cherries, kiwi, melon and plums for the first time. I was so impressed with how keen they all were to try new fruits.

Thank you to Grays and Tesco for the yummy fruits!

Health and Wellbeing Week – Orienteering

We had a great time orienteering in the wildlife area today. We had to look for 8 fruits and could only do one fruit at a time. WeĀ all had fun! The winners were Conan and Tymon finding all the fruit fastest!

This kind of task certainly covered a few of the meta-skills we are thinking about at Sound School. We were focusing, adapting, using our initiative, communicating, collaborating, leading, sense-making and critical thinking.

Meta Skills | Duncan Forbes Primary School

Outdoor Learning at Quoys Burn

What a glorious day!

We went up the Sound Brae and cut in to the Quoys Burn and walked down it. We took time to listen to the relaxing sounds, to smell the amazing variety of smells and to really look around at all the different colours and things we could see. It was very chilled out. It is a private garden so we had to be respectful and use quiet voices, this helped add to the excitement of it all.

Then we went to the playpark and the bairns had some crazy time running around! After a little play we walked down to the road and saw where the water goes under the road. We took time to blow dandelion clocks. We followed the burn down to the stoney beach and talked about where the water started and where it ended up.

A big point that I made to the pupils is that they should always have a grown up with them when visiting the beach or the burn as playing beside the water can be dangerous.Ā 

Our outdoor learning sessions we cover a lot of areas of the curriculum and give experiences to the children that are just not the same as learning in the classroom.

We have been looking at Meta-skills at Sound School. Some of the Meta-skills that this walk included are:

  • focusing
  • communication
  • collaborating
  • feeling
  • curiosity
  • sense-making
  • critical thinking

One of our school values for this term is happiness. There were certainly a lot of happy bairns today.

Sound Lesson

We have been collaborating in experiments on different ways of producing sound from vibrations, we looked at how to change the pitch of sound. We used cups on string as phones to talk to each other and made harmonicas using elastic bands, straws and lollipop sticks. It was tricky to get the vibrations right to make the sound.

Outdoor Learning – Stoney Beach

We went on a trip to the stoney beach.

The children highlighted the benefits of outdoor learning:

  • You can find things.
  • Enjoying being outside and being able to skip and run around.
  • You can find a lot of stuff in the sea and can play with what you find.
  • You can explore the different areas including the rock pools and paddle in the water.
  • Exercise while walking there and back.
  • WeĀ  saw lots of animals including sheep.
  • We saw some dead animals including the whale, sheep and crabs.
  • We saw a sea anemone and a star fish.
  • We had to balance and be careful when walking over the rocks.
  • We shared what we found with each other and the other class.


Outdoor Learning

We have been learning about doubles in the classroom. We have done games, whiteboard work, practical activities, laptop games and written work on doubles. We then went outside to see if we could see doubles in nature. We spotted trees with double branches, bunches of daisies that were doubles and we used sticks to show doubles too. It was a lovely sunny day and we enjoyed exploring numbers in nature in the sunshine.

Outdoor Learning

Signs of Spring

We went for a walk today to look for signs of Spring. We saw daffodils, crocuses, snowdrops and lots of new buds on the trees and bushes. We enjoyed a walk around our local area including going over the troll bridge and a peerie explore in the wildlife area.

P2a Trip to the Museum

We went on a trip to the museum to learn about Lerwick in the past compared to Lerwick today.

This trip helped develop 7 out of the 12 meta-skills, including:

  • Sense-making
  • Creativity
  • Curiosity
  • Integrity
  • Adapting
  • Initiative
  • Communicating

The class were absolute superstars and listened so well to Ailish and Donna. They asked and answered lots of questions. They even impressed Donna by knowing that Arthur Anderson was the founder of the Anderson Educational Institute. They recognised the motto Dƶ weel and persevere!Ā 

We learned that we know information about the past from maps, pictures and plans.Ā  They enjoyed seeing pictures of the Sands of Sound beach from a long time ago, before the grey house was built. They did not enjoy learning about what happened to waste before there was toilets and a sewer system in place, there was lots of screwed up faces at that part.

Sands of Sound with croft houses instead of the big house.

Most people recognised this building but said it looked a bit weird.

The pupils wondered what the big building was in the car park.

Outdoor Learning

We have been making maps in class. We went to visit the Clickimin Broch before we made our own Lerwick maps. We then added in Tesco and Sound Service Station. The following week we looked on Google maps at where the Anderson High School is located and looked at the buildings at the Clickimin. It was quite tricky but the pupils added these areas on to their maps, some even added on the running track. Our last lesson on maps involved adding Sands of Sound so we decided to go for a walk first, to see with our own eyes, the size and shape and location of the beach. We walked along from the school to the stoney beach then over the fields to the Sands of Sound. We discussed the bays and Ness of Sound and pointed out the Grottie Buckie and Dinghy Beach.

We discussed the benefits of going outdoors to look at the area and the pupils shared these answers with me:

  • We could see the actual shape of the beach and where everything is.
  • We could see how much water and sand there is and we could see how big and where the island is.
  • We could see the waves.
  • Easier to know the route to the beach once we had been there and back.
  • We got fresh air.
  • We enjoyed the relaxing water.
  • We were exercising our bodies too, it was hard climbing the hill, we were huffing and out of breath.
  • We now know where the beach is, how to get there.
  • Outdoor lessons are more fun.
  • We learn better when we are busy and outdoors.
  • It was nice going together with the people in our class.

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