We have had a brilliant week back at school. It is great to see everyone and I can’t quite believe how much the bairns have grown since December. IT has been a busy week settling back into the routines of the school day and learning some new ones too. Here are some pictures of the class on Tuesday.
On Friday, we were working on position and movement; turning left and right and moving froward and backwards. We had four activities;
- BeeBot, where the children had to direct BeeBot to the correct building by keying in directions.
- Coding using the Kodable website, where children had to move their character through the mazes and create their own maze. It was an excellent way to include coding in early years and practice directions.
- Colouring activity
- Outdoor paired activity where children had to direct their partner to find the treasure.
The children used their thumbs to assess their confidence at the beginning and end of the lesson and all agreed they were more confident using directions and remembering which way was left and right.