P234 Whalsay School

sharing our learning with you

November 8, 2022
by Miss Nairn

Vaila’s Windy Day: KITES

During our topic on ‘Vaila’s Windy Day’ we have been looking at ways we can use and have fun with the wind. This week our focus was on kites.

We watched a video about flying kites.

We learned that you need wind to fly a kite.

A kite has different parts:

The Body (sail)

The Bridle (string attached to the kite)

The Tether (string to hold onto the kite)

How does it work?

The wind blows on your kite – some of it hits the kite directly, some goes over the kite, and some goes under it. The wind that goes underneath helps lift the kite off the ground, just like the wind beneath an airplane’s wings helps lift it off the ground.

Here we are flying kites in the playground:






We also made our own ‘bird’ kites using cardboard and string:

Making bird kites


We managed to make them fly:






Kite Acrostics

As we are learning about poetry this term, we decided to write some acrostics about kites. We had to think of lots of words to describe our kites then make them into sentences that started with each letter of the word KITE.


We also know how important it is to be safe when flying kites, so we have made some ‘Kite safety’ posters to display around the school:

Kite Safety – don’t fly kites during thunder storms.

Kite Safety – keep away from power lines

Kite Safety – safety rules


November 4, 2022
by Mrs Irvine

Vaila’s Windy Day

For our topic we have been using the resource “Vaila’s Windy Day” to learn about wind and wind power.

P234 discussed how the wind helps us and ways we can use wind affects our daily lives. They used their discussion to inspire their drawings which were submitted in a competition to win an anemometer for the school.  Through our work someone wondered where the windiest spot in the playground was, so we had fun making and using wind catchers to find out.

P234 used the resource to learn about wind turbines and their different parts. During co-operative group time, the children worked together to build a wind turbine using the classroom junk. Each group make a successful wind turbine with a moving part and also achieved their social goal of encouraging each other to achieve the best result.


October 5, 2022
by Miss Nairn

Maths Week Scotland

This week we are exploring maths activities as part of Maths Week Scotland. We were learning that maths is everywhere!

On Monday we looked at symmetry in insects. We know that symmetry means  it is the same on both sides. A shape has symmetry if a central dividing line (a mirror line) can be drawn on it, to show that both sides of the shape are exactly the same. We drew our own symmetrical insects using a mirror to help us.

















On Tuesday we visited a website which helped us make pictures using tiles. We know that tessellation is when you use shapes to completely cover a surface leaving no gaps. However, some of us wanted to experiment with making interesting pictures using the tiles while others wanted to completely cover the surface.  Which ones do you like best?

Tiling Pictures

On Wednesday we practiced our numeracy and maths skills through play. It was great to use our knowledge and to have fun with our friends. We are keen to share these with our families on Thursday during our open afternoon.



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