Good morning P2/3/4 if you are looking for some activities to do while you are at home on this snowy day you could try some of the following:
- Invent your own character to star in a future story. Think about all the information we put into a character profile. You can draw your character and write down everything you can about them (what type of person/animal they are, where they live, what they do etc) just as we have been doing in class.
- You could also make up a story board to show what will happen to them in your future story.
- Revise your spelling words.
- Read your library book or accelerated reading book.
- Telling the time : play some of the games on Topmarks (search Topmarks telling the time games)
- Time how long it takes you to do some tasks – eg building a snowman, clearing a path etc.
- Log into Sumdog and practice your times tables.
- Make up a ‘telling the time’ game to play.