We love working in our co-operative groups – they are a lot of fun! We are learning to co-operate and compromise this term.
Today we were making new Home Teams for this term. We had pieces of a jigsaw and had to find our groups by matching up each jigsaw before the music ran out. We had to work quickly!
Then we had to think about our favourite things – best place, favourite food, nicest fruit, best colour etc. If everbody liked the same things we wrote them in our ‘all’ section. Once we had finished we had to make up a Team Name using words from our ‘All’ list. We think our Team Names are fabulous this term! We have groups called ‘The Banana Pizzas’, ‘ The Cosy Yellow Jumpers’ and ‘ The Blue Starfruit Beefburgers’
We were given 30 minutes to make a Team Flag.
Here we are busy at work.
- Co-operative Groups