During our topic on ‘Vaila’s Windy Day’ we have been looking at ways we can use and have fun with the wind. This week our focus was on kites.
We watched a video about flying kites.
We learned that you need wind to fly a kite.
A kite has different parts:
The Body (sail)
The Bridle (string attached to the kite)
The Tether (string to hold onto the kite)
How does it work?
The wind blows on your kite – some of it hits the kite directly, some goes over the kite, and some goes under it. The wind that goes underneath helps lift the kite off the ground, just like the wind beneath an airplane’s wings helps lift it off the ground.
Here we are flying kites in the playground:
We also made our own ‘bird’ kites using cardboard and string:

Making bird kites
We managed to make them fly:
Kite Acrostics
As we are learning about poetry this term, we decided to write some acrostics about kites. We had to think of lots of words to describe our kites then make them into sentences that started with each letter of the word KITE.
We also know how important it is to be safe when flying kites, so we have made some ‘Kite safety’ posters to display around the school:

Kite Safety – don’t fly kites during thunder storms.

Kite Safety – keep away from power lines

Kite Safety – safety rules