P234 Whalsay School

sharing our learning with you

June 29, 2023
by Mrs Irvine

End of Year Film

At the certificate afternoon, some parents asked about the video, so I thought we should share it here.

Thank you for being such a wonderful class.

Have a lovely summer!

From Miss Nairn and Mrs Irvine

June 21, 2023
by Mrs Irvine

Play Projects Revisited!

This has been an enjoyable afternoon in P234! The children took part in Play Projects which P3 and 4 haven’t done since they were in Primary one and two. As their teacher, it was great to see the progression in their creativity and how much more advanced their projects were compared with when they were younger. We all had a really enjoyable afternoon and it was great to observe the children working together and helping each other solve problems and work through the creative process during play.

June 12, 2023
by Miss Nairn

Sports Day June 2023

Monday 12th June 2023

We had our Sports Day today down at Harbison Park. The weather was really lovely and we felt quite warm – even before we started our activities. There were lots of races including the sack race, the egg and spoon and an obstacle race.

We did a 60m sprint and a tug of war – phew!

It was great fun and we enjoyed competing for Team Points. We were really pleased to see that our families and friends came to support us too.

June 8, 2023
by Mrs Irvine

S2 Visitors

A group of secondary two children visited us today to show us what they had been learning about instruments from Africa.

The children prepared a very informative presentation that included pictures and music clips of a range of instruments.

Thank you to secondary two for coming and sharing their learning with us.

June 8, 2023
by Mrs Irvine

The Water Cycle

P234 have been learning about The Water Cycle. We have investigated evaporation and condensation both indoors and outdoors. The children were amazed that the water on Earth is the same water that the dinosaurs drank!

The children showed their learning by building models and drawing pictures of the cycle.

May 30, 2023
by Miss Nairn

Numeracy – Money

This block of numeracy is all about money!

We have been doing different activities involving money – counting coins and finding out about ATMs and bank cards.

Today we  laid out coins to match a price tag, and drew Money Millipedes using different coins to draw around – then adding up the values to see which Millipede was the most expensive. We also played fun money games on our Ipads like these ones:

Toy Shop Money Game (GBP) – Topmarks

Coins Game for 4-10 year olds (topmarks.co.uk)

The Money Change Game | Online Money Games | MoneySense (mymoneysense.com)


May 17, 2023
by Mrs Irvine

The Big Help Out

Today Primary 234 took part in The Big Help Out, which had previously been planned for Monday 8th May.

We contributed to Da Voar Redd Up, helping to keep our community clean by tidying the road between the Cloos and the bottom of the Crudens.

It was good fun and we found some interesting bruck along the way!

Well done to everyone who took part.



May 12, 2023
by Miss Nairn

Friday Fun with science

On Friday afternoons we choose what we are going to do to have some fun. This block the P7s have organised some activities.

This week in our classroom  the P7s decided to do an activity with salt.

Firstly we had to paint pictures on paper using ordinary paint and water. Next we poured salt onto our paintings to see what would happen. What do you think?

May 11, 2023
by Mrs Irvine


P234 are learning about fractions.

This morning they had the chance to explore various forms of fraction activities with P2 focusing on halves and quarters, P3 focusing on halves, quarters and eighths and P4 focusing on various fractions and simple forms of equivalent fractions.

We were lucky to have extra adults in our class to support learning.

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