Hamnavoe Primary School P1/2

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P1’s First Full Day!


Today P1 stayed at school for their first full day!  What a busy day it has been.

In the morning we spent time with our talking partners and small groups discussing yesterdays class trip.  Everyone was working on taking turns to talk and giving eye-contact. 

Next, everyone wrote about the class trip and drew a picture.

After snack, P1 learned about the sound ‘i’ and then practised counting.  P2 did some great work on counting in 2’s and working out odd and even numbers.  Before lunch P1/2 relaxed and spent time looking at books.  Some children read stories to the teddies.

In the afternoon, we went to the library and had our first whole class gym session outside.  Everyone had fun playing counting catchie games.  To finish off the day, we had fun outside with bubbles!

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