On Thursday we went to North Roe primary school to have another work shop day for our Round The World play. Urafirth came too. First the older children did South African drumming with Joy, while the younger bairns learned about South Africa with People called Sven and his mum Mona, they were the ones who taught us because Mona was born in Shetland then moved to South Africa. They told us about different places there. After break we swapped over! After we had lunch we learned about two more countries, they were France and the Netherlands, Nynke’s mum Saskia who is from the Netherland came to tell us what it is like there , we got to try a kind of food called Dutch crackers. After that we went to do a French dance with our old French teacher Mrs Cook the dance was called Jean Petit!!
We can’t wait to perform!
Yesterday Joy came and did some African drumming with us. We had great fun doing dance and having a go on the Doon Doons. Aimee was an Oompa Loompa on the small Doon Doons and Holly was on the two big ones!!!
Every Easter we have a Easter egg raffle where people donate Easter eggs and buy tickets, which cost 20p each. this year we were raising the money for Asha Niketan a school in India for orphan children or children whose parents can’t look after them. We each won an Easter egg and sometimes two !
Today it is a lovely day so we went outside, we played on the grass, then went and played pirates on the pirate ship. Then we saw the planting beds and we thought we should help weed it and turn the soil up. We threw out the weeds and found some peculiar items, like a clothes peg, and a fork !!!!
We planted some wild flower seeds with a little bit of sand too!
Here is some photos!!!
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