The County Sports

This year Aimee and Holly qualified to the County sports at the Clickimin. Aimee had gone through on the high jump, 200 metre, 100 metre, cricket ball throw and the shuttle relay. And Holly got through on the long jump. We were competing with lots of other groups. The South Mainland, Bellsbrae, Sound, Central Mainland, North Isles, and the West Side. We were the North mainland group with Ollaberry , Mossbank, North Roe, Lunasting and Brae. When we got to Brae off the high school bus we met with the rest of the North mainland team and went on a bigger bus to Lerwick .  When we got to the Cickimin we were shocked to see how big the track was where we did a warm up of four laps ( we walked most of it!) At first we watched the eight hundred and cheered on our team.

After that was the 100m that Aimee was in. Holly was Aimee’s assistant, by being her coat holder  and giving her a water bottle when she was racing! Aimee came forth in her heat but sadly didn’t make it to the final. We had a quick snack through the sack race.

And then  Aimee got ready for the cricket ball throw. Aimee didn’t win the cricket ball throw but came ninth or tenth.

Soon after that it was the girls long jump while the boys did the high jump at the same time. Aimee had her lunch while Holly competed the long jump but didn’t  win a medal.

Holly had her lunch when Aimee did the High jump. Aimee did ok in the high jump she didn’t win anything and only cleared up to one metre ten and came maybe twelfth. She knocked the pole off on her first attempt and on her second attempt she knocked it off and had to go out. Holly recorded every thing that happened in the high jump in a notebook.

We quickly went back to the field for Aimee’s 200 metre  heats. She through the coat at Holly before she ran. When her race began Holly followed on the grass she came third, Aimee came first not Holly! And was in the FINAL!!!! In the final she also came third and won a bronze medal !!!!! After all the excitement she had to run in the relay with three other people in the team called Lily , Tom and Mark. In the relay they also came in third place and all of them won a medal!!!

After the medals we went back on the bus, it was a fab day!!!



Sumburgh Head Trip



We went to Sumburgh Lighthouse on Monday 23rd May.  On the way we got a little cup of jelly and the flavour choices were strawberry or blackcurrant.   Then when we got off the bus we went and looked at birds, there were Puffins , Bonix , Gulls and Gillimots . We learned about whaling,  then we went outside and drew birds. At  lunch we also had cake for Janette’s birthday . Then we went and saw  a minkie whale.  Pheobe was the only  one who  saw  it.  Aimee , Holly ,Hannah  and  Brogan  named it a Mickey .



Our Trip to North Roe

On Thursday  we went to North Roe primary school to have another work shop day for our Round The World play. Urafirth came too. First the older children did South African drumming with Joy, while the younger bairns learned about South Africa with People called Sven and his mum Mona, they were the ones who taught us  because Mona was born in Shetland then moved to South Africa. They told us about different  places  there. After break we swapped over! After we had lunch  we  learned about two more countries, they were France and the Netherlands, Nynke’s  mum Saskia  who is from the Netherland came to tell us what it is like there , we got to try a kind of food called Dutch crackers. After that we went to do a French dance with our old French teacher Mrs Cook the dance was called Jean Petit!!

We can’t wait to perform!


Indian project

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The 3-6 class did a project on India. India is a great thing to learn about for a project  and we also did some Indian cooking. We cooked Indian recipes and made a book about all the thing that we had cooked and tasted to raise money for a school in Indian.

Hockey day

On Wednesday the P3-6  class went to Brae to play hockey. We played six games that were seven minutes long and we won some games. We were teamed up with North Roe and Urafirth.



Today we were doing golf with Danny . We were doing the putt .The putt is where you put the ball on the ground and hit it so it rolls . We were in teams . We had to hit the  cones to see who would hit them first .


Sewing With christen Brown

On Tuesday Christine  came and did sewing  for refugees with Brogan,  Neive and Zach. We made hats  and we also sewed a blanket each, it was fun. We are sending the hats and blankets to the refugees in Syria who have nothing. We  had three sewing machines for Brogan , Neive and Zach. Christine  said we could do mittens  and Mrs Odie   bought more fabric for next week but it will be different people next week so we each get a go. We all had lots of fun and hope to do it again soon.





Science with Mr Rose

On Monday Mr Rose came to teach the whole school science because we are doing an animal project this term. As part of our topic we are working on  living and growing and genetics. Mr. Rose told us lots of interesting facts. We learned that if you cut  a flat worm half way down the body they will grow two heads. Also he told us that the hole on the top of a whale’s head doesn’t let water out it lets their breath out.

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